Monday, 19 June 2017

Definition of Cocaine

Cocaine is a strong stimulant mostly used as a recreational drug. It is commonly snorted, inhaled as a smoke, or as a solution injected into a vein. Historically speaking cocaine is being used as a topical anesthetic in eye and nasal surgery. Also as a result of improper use of the drug it can cause major health problems. Because of the vasoconstrictor activity, it can lead to cardiovascular toxicity. To control misuse of cocaine, the medical community replaced the drug. They now use synthetic local anesthetics, such as:

  • benzocaine
  • proparacaine
  • lidocaine
  • tetracaine
Apparently, it remains available for use if specified or prescribed by an authorized person. Cocaine contains properties known to reduce bleeding. If physicians need vasoconstriction effect for medical purposes they combined the drug with phenylephrine or epinephrine. For medical purposes, topical cocaine can be used as a local numbing agent to help with painful procedures in the mouth or nose. Cocaine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. The duration of its effects can last from fifteen or thirty minutes to an hour. Its effects depend on the amount taken and the route of administration. Cocaine can be seen in the form of fine white powder, bitter to the taste. When inhaled or injected in a person body, it can cause a numbing effect on the body. Cocaine also increases alertness, feelings of well-being and euphoria, energy and motor activity, feelings of competence and sexuality of the person that intakes it. It has stimulant effects that are similar to that of amphetamine, however, these effects tend to be much shorter lasting and more prominent. Drug injection is by turning the drug or the cocaine into a solution that provides the highest blood levels of the drug in the shortest amount of time. Subjective effects not commonly shared with other methods of administration may include a ringing in the ears moments after injection usually when in excess of 120 milligrams that is lasting 2 to 5 minutes including tinnitus and audio distortion. This is colloquially referred to as a "bell ringer". It is said that the average time taken to reach peak subjective effects was 3.1 minutes in taking the drug. An injected mixture of cocaine and heroin, known as "speedball" is a particularly one of the most dangerous combination, as the converse effects of the drugs actually complement each other, but may also mask the symptoms of an overdose. It has been responsible for numerous deaths.

Cocaine's Adverse effects


With the excessive or prolonged use of the drug it can cause

  • itching
  • fast heart rate
  • hallucinations
  • paranoid delusions.

Overdoses may lead to the following effects:

  • hyperthermia
  • marked elevation of blood pressure,
  • arrhythmias
  • death

Same as with these effects:

  • anxiety
  • death
  • paranoia
  • restlessness can also occur, especially during the comedown.
  • With excessive dosage, tremors, convulsions and increased body temperature are observed.
Long term abuse of cocaine can provide detrimental physical and mental side effects.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

  • Recognizing an addiction is the first step to losing it.
  • Depending on the nature of the abuse of the drug, some patients who are seeking help will be advised to attend a residential rehabilitation program, or much better a structured day program.
  • Medications can treat the symptoms related to cocaine withdrawal, subsequently, there is no substitute or alternative drug that can effectively and efficiently help a patient recover from a cocaine dependency.
  • Individuals who will stop using the drug will have powerful cravings that can last for years.
  • Preferably counseling, social support, and some specialist medications may help.
In a study, it shows that 70 percent of people who decided to undergo treatment for powder cocaine problems are either to stop completely or significantly reduce their consumption. Users can stay drug-free not longer than 6 months. Anyone who is concerned about cocaine use should see a doctor or can look for a local support group that can motivate them for beating or stops the drug addiction. By the help of these motivational groups and Detox of South Florida, it can adversely turn the addiction to a meaningful way of living. There are two possible ways you can detox cocaine depending on the time frame of usage of the drug: 1 – Natural Way: This is done by drinking plenty of fluids that allows your system to naturally cleanse. This type of process will usually take longer. 2 – Detoxifying products: These are products that are usually in the form of drinks, powders, and pills. They can speed up the process of detoxification process or at least allow you to test clean of any drugs for a short period of time.   Check out this video from  for help and information.   [button link="tel:863-623-4923" type="big" color="green" newwindow="yes"] Call Now![/button]

Definition of Cocaine {was first published on|



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