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Navigation: Alcoholism, Genetics, and Heredity Other Causes of Alcoholism It is said that approximately 18 million adults in the US are struggling with alcohol use disorder. Based on this statistic, one in 12 individuals is an alcoholic. No matter how accurate that statistic is, there’s no denying that alcoholism is a major problem in the country—and in many other parts of the world. Around 100,000 people die each year due to alcohol abuse. These deaths are due to liver cirrhosis and organ damage. Heavy drinkers are at risk of diabetes, kidney disease, and several cancers. Drunk driving is also a common cause of traffic accidents. Alcohol use disorder is a serious disease that’s often described as the addiction to alcohol. It’s a chronic condition that affects the reward and motivation centers of the brain. For this reason, it is important to know what causes alcoholism, and why it affects certain people. On this article, we will discuss the connection between genetics, heredity, and alcohol consumption. What makes drinkers more likely to get addicted? Let’s find out. Alcoholism, Genetics, and Heredity Parents pass their genes down to their children. This is what connects genetics to heredity. However, if we....
The post Is Alcoholism Hereditary? appeared first on Rehab Near Me: The Best Addiction Treatment Centers.
Navigation: What Is a High-Functioning Alcoholic? How To Help the Alcoholic? It can be difficult to deal with the issues of a high functioning alcoholic. For starters, having an alcoholic in the family is already a stressful thing to handle. A high functioning alcoholic is even more difficult because their condition is quite confusing to most people. What exactly is a high functioning alcoholic? No matter how well a person functions in day to day life, alcoholism can take a devastating toll on their health, their emotional well-being, their professional life, and their relationships. So we must treat a high functioning alcoholic’s condition with as much care as a regular alcoholic. What makes this situation more challenging is that they may hide their alcohol abuse for years without suffering any major setbacks. Even the alcoholic himself may not realize that they have a drinking problem. But over time, they can develop severe psychological and emotional damage. That is why the problem needs to be addressed now. What Is a High-Functioning Alcoholic? When we think about alcoholism, we pict iure someone whos struggling to get their life together as a result of their drinking habits. It is a disease....
The post What is a High Functioning Alcoholic? appeared first on Rehab Near Me: The Best Addiction Treatment Centers.
Navigation: What is Alcohol Abuse? What is Alcoholism? How is It Treated? Drinking is something we do with friends, loved ones, and sometimes even total strangers. Social drinking is so deeply ingrained in our culture that it’s hard to imagine a world without it. And drinking is done in many cultures all over the world. Like all good things, drinking becomes bad when you have too much of it; when you don’t know when to stop. Because of how common this activity is, it can be difficult to tell who’s abusing alcohol, and who’s just having a good time. Alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and alcohol dependence are all confusing terms that sound similar, but actually have different meanings. It doesn’t help that there are so called binge drinkers and high functioning alcoholics. How are all these terms different from one another? How do you know if your loved one is abusing alcohol? The line between recreational drinking and alcohol quickly gets blurred. Where does abuse end and addiction begin? Let’s define what alcoholism is so we can understand how to help those who are struggling with it. What is Alcohol Abuse? A person who abuses alcohol is someone who....
The post Understanding Alcohol Addiction: What is an Alcoholic? appeared first on Rehab Near Me: The Best Addiction Treatment Centers.
Navigation: Signs of Intoxication Signs of Alcoholism Signs of Alcohol Dependence Signs of Withdrawal Alcoholism is a serious medical disease. But because of the fact that drinking alcohol is a very common social activity, it can be hard to determine who’s abusing alcohol and who’s just having a great time. Not to mention that there are also high functioning alcoholics—the whole thing just gets more and more confusing. So how do you know if someone is an alcoholic? Here are the signs and symptoms you should look out for. Watch out for these, especially if you think one of your loved ones is an alcoholic. Signs of Intoxication Just because someone is intoxicated, doesn’t automatically mean they are an alcoholic. Overconsumption of alcohol can lead to intoxication—but not all people who black out after binging are alcoholics. The signs of overconsumption are easily recognizable: slurred speech, clumsiness, delayed reflexes, facial redness, vomiting, and blacking out. Now consider this: even if you are not an alcoholic, it is possible to reach a life threatening level of intoxication. The respiratory system can become depressed, and the person will stop breathing. Signs of Alcoholism You can tell that a person is....
The post Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism: Things to Watch Out For appeared first on Rehab Near Me: The Best Addiction Treatment Centers.
Withdrawal: How Does it Maintain Drug Addiction? … #rehabnearme 855-227-9535