Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Non-Alcohol Wines: What Good Does It Bring?

The future could be bright for non-alcoholic beverages and low alcohol wines. Several researchers have found out that in France, they artificially lower the level of alcohol of a drink from 12 percent ABV to 6 percent ABV while making sure that the drink’s antioxidant benefits that are known to be good for overall cardiovascular health Are kept intact.

The study concluded with a suggestion that low alcohol, as well as non-alcoholic wines, may be useful for the treatment of those who are struggling with heart disease. The news is stunning for many people in many parts of the world who are suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The potential for low alcohol and non-alcoholic wine can be overshadowed by the reality that is missed in terms of the drink’s flavor.

The problem with removing alcohol from the beverage is that it can altogether remove several key traits that make wine incredibly tasty. Also, by removing the alcoholic content, the aroma tends to suffer.

It is widely known among wine lovers that much of wine’s aroma is transmitted from its surface by evaporating alcohol. Once the alcoholic content of the beverage is removed, the aroma will no longer have any method of delivery. While non-alcoholic wines still have some aroma, for now, most of the drink’s fragrance is associated with the sour post-fermentation flavors of the drink.

It could be that a low alcohol drink would solve a couple of problems that exist today, but the problem is that they are yet to exist in the market.

One of the reasons why the non-alcoholic type of wine is not popular is its lack of the more nuanced traits of wine like tannis, herbaceous aromatics, and floral notes. However, the article will teach on how to make your very own non-alcoholic sangria using hibiscus tea.

The non-alcoholic drink can be made using the sepals of the Roselle flower. The hibiscus is a unique type of tea as it boasts a lot of the characteristics that wine-lovers look for. It is tannic and has a fruity and spicy aroma with it. On top of that, this type of drink is loaded with rich, tangy and fruity flavors all loaded with the heart-healthy anthocyanin.

What you need is to mix hibiscus tea and your choice of red wine. The higher the amount of hibiscus tea, the lower the level of alcohol associated with the drink. For instance, if you put in one part Shiraz (15 percent ABV) and mix it with 4 parts of hibiscus tea, then you will get a very low alcohol wine with 3 percent ABV. Moreover, the longer the hibiscus tea seeps in, you will get a more tannic brew and the bolder and the more tannic your brew, the longer you would want to let the hibiscus tea seep in.

A few wine lovers have also discovered that Reed’s Giner Brew contains Kombucha from Cabernet grapes.

Although it does not have the same taste as Cabernet wine, it boasts a delicious flavor with the tartness of wine’s yeast fermentation. It could be that opting for Kombucha would be a nice alternative to wine that is non-alcoholic. You can do a little research on the internet to find a couple of purveyors of the frozen wine grape concentrate that is loaded with lots of antioxidants.

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Alcoholic For Years? Now Is The Best Time To Stop

There are a number of reasons why you would want to choose to quit drinking alcohol. There are people who need to quit drinking alcohol as they have already developed a medical condition related to alcohol, which most of the time is a liver disease. There are also those who need to take some sort of medication that reacts negatively with alcohol. Still, others decide to quit for religious reasons, while others opt to have a healthier lifestyle.

If you are contemplating about removing this harmful habit from your life, you are not alone. Approximately, 43%previous alcohol dependents have now abstained from it.

You may be a social drinker, a problem drinker, or a person who can drink responsibly but this time you want to be able to say no to alcohol and make significant improvements in three important parts of your life: your physical health, emotional, and psychological well-being and even with your personal and professional relationships.

Stopping Alcohol Will Improve Your Physical Health

Alcohol, in large quantities, is extremely dangerous for your body. Along the way, you could damage your liver, dehydrate your body, and raise your blood sugar levels. While it is true that these adverse effects will be gone once alcohol has cleared from your body, in due time, the habit can lead to the development of other health conditions, including:

  • Kidney Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Heart Disease
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Obesity

These are but a few of the serious health issues linked to problem drinking. You may want to avoid these medical conditions entirely and choose to live a physically healthy life- one that will allow you to feel good inside.

Stopping Alcohol Will Improve Your Emotional and Psychological Health

Alcohol can be harmful to more than your physical body. Taken in large quantities, alcohol can wreak havoc on your emotional and psychological state of being. You may have experienced going to a party to find your host in a drunken state, weeping in front of everybody while strewn all over the floor. Otherwise, you could have experienced a violent fight in a bar. These are just some situations wherein alcohol is able to take over the drinker’s psyche.

There are a lot of negative psycho-emotional side effects brought about by drinking. Alcohol can impair your memory as well as your sense of balance. It can lower your inhibitions and numb your emotions. Not like getting drunk, alcohol psychosis can make drinkers feel threatened and anxious. The drinker can sometimes hallucinate and suffer a full psychotic breakdown. Many do not experience this, but those who suffer other mental issues and emotional disturbances are at risk of suffering a psychotic episode when drunk. It is then wise to stay away from alcohol to stay healthy mentally and emotionally.

Stopping Alcohol Will Improve Your Professional and Personal Relationships

Should you slow down the pace of your drinking, you may find it easier to drink less in one night. You may opt for a non-alcoholic alternative such as coffee, juice, soda, or water as these are easier to control in terms of intake.

Non-alcoholic options also have an added benefit of rehydrating the body. For instance, it can lessen the effects of hangover in the morning.

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Alcoholic Root Beer: How Is It Brewed?

The United States’ beer industry’s grandest surprise hit of the year is not even qualified as a beer. Root beers are the relatively new boozy spin on the popular sassafras-flavored soda you have from your childhood that has been racked up by $7.2 million USD in sales just in the first half of 2015. The number would rank up this new beverage amongst the U.S.’ 30 highest-selling craft beers today.

Root beer is no longer just for soda pop lovers and kids anymore. The alcoholic version of your childhood fave has been taking the country by storm with countless of bottles of alcoholic root beer being sold here and there quickly.

But, what really is this so-called alcoholic root beer?

It may come as a surprise to a lot of people that alcoholic root beer is not the regular root beer soda combined with alcohol. Actually, alcoholic root beer is more closely related to the craft beer that you know about.

At first, the bottled drink comes with the same taste as that of spices and has all markings that can be found in a good indie upstart. But, you should not be fooled by the bottle’s old-time illustrations and the words written on the label: “Small town brewery.” The truth is that this high-octane adult fuel for ice cream floats has quite a significant backing mainstream.

The Brewing Process of Alcoholic Root Beer

The majority of the variations of alcoholic root beer have been taken as malt beverages or malternatives. Previously, these so-called malternatives got quite a bad rap particularly from those who took interest in craft beers. Such drinks have been brewed using malted grain and similar to that of beer from the start. This is also the reason why a lot of alcoholic root beers do contain alcohol with the similar alcoholic content as that of beer.

After this beer-brewing process, the flavors will be added into the concoction in order to achieve a desirable taste. As for alcoholic root beer, the flavors of root beer are added into the flavorless beer; flavors like sarsaparilla and or Madagascar vanilla are popular.

  • Historians suggest that the first versions of the root beer we know today started out as a small beer beverage.
  • It could be that the drink was brewed from berries, bark, and herbs.
  • In medieval Europe, small beer was made popular in places where there were rampant issues with water pollution and that the tendency was for people to get sick because of the water.
  • Brewed drinks such as tea and beer were most likely considered as healthier options for water.
  • After several centuries, pharmacists attempted to develop a miracle drug to cure the ailments of people in the late 19th century. Among these attempts are the popular carbonated beverages that we have today.

A lot of historians agree that alcoholic root beer was actually made by accident. A pharmacist was said to have experimented with various herbs, roots, berries, and bark that resulted in small beer recipes. The concoction was supposed to be made into a brew that would cure a lot of illnesses.

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How To Overcome Drug Addiction

Is addiction curable at home? Generally, addicted individuals have a difficulty dealing with life that they have chosen. In the process of recovery, emotional pain can be evident. The newly sober person can feel fears and anxieties that can actually cause them to revert to addictive behaviors. This is all part of the withdrawal process. […]

The article was first published on



Tuesday, 30 May 2017

What Is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone drug is not made for addiction because among its many important uses is its ability to take away the pain. Since pain relief only spans in limited time, consumption of this drug by one who constantly feels pain increases, even extending beyond its 10-milligram dosage. This practice is what ignites possible addiction.

  • Oxycodone is an opiate used to relieve or at least moderate a person from severe pain.
  • It comes in many names and is formulated in many different types.
  • Among the dozens, Oxycodone (or OxyContin as it is known by some) is formulated in Percodan, Percocet, Roxicodone, and Roxicets.

However, due to its being used to satisfy addiction, manufacturers have been discouraged to produce and sell the drug. In similar terms with heroin addiction, it satisfies a person’s deep cravings for the sensual feeling of euphoria.

Oxycodone has become a problem not just in the matters of health, but also in society.

Drug addiction could not only satisfy the person’s cravings but could also lead to behavioral, mental and social destruction. People around may also get harmed physically and emotionally.

Various studies have shown that more than half a million people in the U.S. start to abuse the drug each year. Although Purdue Pharma has reformulated OxyContin to prevent abuse, people who have become addicted to the drug will still seek for alternative medications with the same components.

As a drug, it results in effects that can last in both short and long terms. Its short term effects include the feeling of being sedated, sleepy, lightheaded, and euphoric. As an opiate, OxyCodone causes constipation, which brings forth laxative effects. Certain gestures that commonly identify opiate users involve the frequent rubbing of nose and face. Manifestations like pupil constriction is also a usual sign of opium use.

The effects of this drug addiction may also lead to the suppression of one’s breathing cycle.

Alteration of the breathing cycle is the usual cause of death with addiction. The irony now relates to how such type of drug is used. The drug is not the problem, but the way some people use it for their own satisfaction even without proper prescription from a licensed medical professional is the issue. Instead of mitigating pain, the drug if abused beyond its purpose becomes the source of pain.

Like many sicknesses, addiction can be cured through rehabilitation centers.

Addiction may be stopped by a thorough detoxification treatment process, therapeutic communication, and life skills training to help the person go through the emotions during the healing process.  A person who becomes addicted can find solutions and healing by opening up to people willing to help end it. If the opiate is important to the person’s health, other alternative drugs can be offered such as methadone, buprenorphine, or Suboxone.

While the drug can help relieve pain, it can also cause pain by when abused. While there is no direct prescriptive drug that could directly cure addiction, proper dosage must be put into consideration to avoid improper use.

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How Does Drug Addiction Affect The Brain?

Your brain is a very important part of you. It allows you to think, breathe, move, feel, and speak. It is only 3 pounds of gray and white matter resting on your skull, but it serves as your “mission control.” You perceive information from your surroundings through the brain because it can receive, process, and […]

The article is courtesy of



Alcoholic Definition: Are You Developing The Habit?

Are you finding yourself being dependent on an alcoholic beverage? A lot of people are dealing with this disease right now and almost all of them could not seem to control their obsession. Without a doubt, if you cannot control how much and how often you consume alcohol, you are one of them. Remember, heavy drinking can lead to serious problems in school, at work and at home.

There is still an underlying stigma to the term “alcoholism.”

Many people still cannot accept alcoholism as a disease. In fact, they insist that you can freely stop drinking if you want to. What they don’t know about is that it is not easily done that way.

Alcoholism can have very serious impacts on your health. You may have known that alcohol can also cause several issues with your relationships and many of them face extreme burdens financially. If you are already spending too much on alcohol and neglecting your responsibilities, you may have a problem with alcohol.

The common signs and symptoms are:

  • Neglecting responsibilities in school, at work, or at home and your drinking is to be blame.
  • You use alcohol when you’re driving or operating a machine.
  • You are drinking alcohol along with prescribed medications despite your doctor’s warning.
  • You are having legal problems because of drinking.

Do you remember how your problem started out? What lead you to your first occasional drink?

Alcoholism is the result of combined factors including society, environment, and genetic. The more factors you exhibit, the more you are at risk of developing alcoholism. While some of these factors are beyond your control, there is still a lot you can do with them.

Stressful environments: Not everyone turns to alcohol for stress relief, but a lot do. When you have a stressful job, for instance, you can turn to heavy drinking more than one who loves his job. This is often seen in occupations that encounter extreme stress in their day-to-day lives. To lower your risk factor, take the time to distress using healthy ways like exercising, taking a nap, or reading a good book.

Drinking at an early age: The Mayo Clinic suggests that young people who start drinking at this time are more likely to develop a problem with alcohol when they get older. Drinking can be a comfortable habit through the years and the system’s levels of tolerance can increase over time.

Mental health problems or depression: Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other mental health issues increase your risk of developing alcoholism. It is easy to drink a lot when you are anxious or depressed.

Family history: If your parent or relative is an alcoholic, your risk of developing the disease is increased, thanks to genetics.

A lot of factors can determine your risk for alcoholism. It is crucial, therefore, that you understand your risk so that you can do what is necessary to lower them as much as you can.

You simply can’t change years and years of drinking habits in one day.

Your recovery will be more of a gradual process. The first obstacle you have to overcome is denial. You have to admit your problem, stop making excuses, and start getting treatment. If you are still struggling with making a decision on whether or not to come out and admit your problem and get treatment, think of all the consequences of your habits. Once you have decided, establish specific, clear, and realistic goals to stop your drinking problem. The more concise your goals, the more achievable they are.

Overcoming addiction can be a long and difficult process. There will be times when you will feel it is impossible, but it is not. If you are willing to stop drinking and you think you are ready, you can get support from loved ones so you can recover from it.

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Alcoholism Definition

Alcoholism is an individual’s dependence on liquor or any beverage containing alcohol to satiate a particular craving. Whether it is the feeling of intoxication or to get numb from emotional stress, there are various reasons why an individual revels in this addiction.

  • The American Medical Association (AMA) says alcoholism is a chronic disease with genetic, environmental, psychological factors influencing its progress and manifestations. As a disease, it is considered a United States’  epidemic.
  • Data show that alcoholism has become so prevalent in American society that is has caused numerous deaths, ranking it as the third leading cause of preventable death (next to smoking and obesity).
  • Each year, around 85,000 people die due to alcoholism with 30% of these caused by homicides and 20% caused by suicide cases.
  • Alcoholism is involved with vehicular accidents as well as domestic abuse, social violence, and other criminal deeds.

Causes of alcoholism often include environmental influence or biological tendencies.

An individual, who was raised by alcoholic parent/s or is surrounded by alcoholics, is likely to become one in the long run especially when problems happen all at the same time. It may also prove true to an individual who, as a child, was adopted by a non-alcoholic family, but was originally born in an alcoholic family.

Its effects often lead to the most damaging factors that would affect one’s health and life in general. Some of the complications may include poor nutrition, memory loss, high blood pressure, difficulty with balance, trouble in walking, diseases in the liver such as hepatitis, heart rhythm disturbances, and muscle weakness.

Also, anemia, decreased defence against infections, low blood sugar, clotting disorders, gastrointestinal irritation and inflammation, problems with pancreas, high fat content in the blood, reproductive fertility interference, weakened bones, anxiety, sleep disturbances,  depression, and increased risk of cancers in the esophagus, liver, and breasts are common.

The effects range from physical consequences to mental and emotional ones.

While alcohol is a drink that knows no specific gender, studies have shown that men are more likely to become alcoholics than women. Cases have also revealed that among the number of adults admitted to hospitals, those with alcohol addiction cover 20% of the total.

Characteristics of alcohol addiction include a prolonged period of frequent alcohol use, the inability to take full control once it progresses, and physical dependence. The dependence often shows through the withdrawal symptoms the moment the addicted person stops the use of it, tolerance or the need to use more alcohol to achieve the same effects, and a variety of social problems which would lead to legal cases rooted by this addiction.

But as a disease, it can be treated in rehabilitation centers, life groups, or a fellowship with other alcoholics. Proper consultation also works effectively to combat this disease and help the individual suffering from this addiction cope with life during and after the treatment.

Alcohol addiction will also be overcome by learning preventive measures once cravings come once again. Listening to other people’s advices can be very helpful as well.

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Monday, 29 May 2017

What Is Drug Addiction?

Addiction is believed to be a chronic disease that is characterized by the compulsion to use a substance with difficulty in controlling one’s cravings. The desire is common despite the knowledge of its harmful side-effects. In most cases, the initial decision to use drugs is still voluntary. With repeated use, drugs can result in brain […]

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Non- Alcoholic Beer: How It’s Made?

Non-alcoholic beers may have gotten a bad reputation, mainly because the beverage falls short of a lot of things that real beer has to offer. On top of that, serious beer drinkers choose not to consume non-alcoholic beers as it does not contain any alcohol. History tells us that booze-free beer was chastised for lacking in variety. The kind of beer earned rep for lacking the “real” taste.

However, there may be situations when you would not want or should not be drinking alcohol but you still wish you can have the same beer experience as your peers. Non-alcoholic beers are gaining more respect in the society recently for this purpose.  

  • Non-alcoholic beer dates back to the medieval Europe.
  • The fact is that the precursor to booze-free beer, which is “small beer,” has low-alcohol content.
  • The brews were created to be a safe daily substitute for polluted water.
  • The drink has just enough of alcohol so as to kill the germs.

In the U.S., we call the drink “NA beer” or non-alcohol beer, while in Europe it’s called “alcohol-free” brew with an alcohol level below .5%.

The drink was actually introduced as a necessity and was the only legal beer during the onset of Prohibition. Non-alcoholic beers are also known as “near beer” for obvious reasons. A lot of people, however, still view alcohol-free beer as a mere imitation with a lot of added artificial flavors; however, it is made like normal beer.

The brewer will mash the malt and boil it with hops. The beer is then fermented to create CO2 and alcohol. If the brew is an alcoholic drink, it is bottled and labeled at this stage. If not, it goes through one more step.

The method of removing the alcohol from your regular beer is done by heating the brew. Since alcohol boils faster than water, the brewer just heats the fermented drink and leaves the desired alcohol level. While removing the alcohol, the process may also change the taste of beer. To avoid this, brewers heat the beer in a vacuum which lowers the drink’s boiling point, minimizing its effect on the flavor of beer.

Another process used to remove alcohol requires more in labor and equipment, better known as reverse osmosis the same method being used for desalinating ocean water. Once the brewer has removed the alcohol, the drink must be re-carbonated often by injecting CO2 back into the drink.

The main reason why non-alcoholic beer does not fare in comparison to the taste of the real beer is that heat is involved.

Know that hops are typically added during three stages of the boiling process. The first is bitter and the next two are piney and citrusy, which are added for aroma. There are beers like the IPA that are dry-hopped; it implies that hops are added when the beer is no longer heating. While the bitterness of the hops gives the drink its malty sweetness, the flavor, as well as the aroma, usually does not survive the heating process.

There are other non-alcoholic beers that have lower contents of bitter hops making them better non-alcoholic beers in a sense. The challenge now for those who make non-alcoholic beers is to build the flavor, the aroma, balance, and body of the drink. Indeed, this is harder to achieve sans alcohol although it is possible.

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Sunday, 28 May 2017

Alcoholism Help: Is Home Detox A Possible Option?

While there are a number of risks that are connected to addiction, the first step towards recovery is always detoxification. However, this period of time can largely put you at risk. Generally, detox can be safely and effectively done at home, but it is associated with a lot of near-death risks.

Medical Issues

In reality, detox will be difficult on the person’s body. Hence, there may be medical issues and or complications to not doing it in the right way. If you choose to detox at home, there will be no medical professionals to monitor the withdrawal symptoms you will be experiencing and administer medication to ease the symptoms if necessary.

In in-patient facilities, on the other hand, medical staff will be able to watch over you in the event of medical complications. They will be able to address the situation immediately and give you the support necessary to get through the treatment process successfully.

Temptation and Relapse

If you opt to use an at-home detox, you may also be in danger of relapsing. Remember that for most of your days, you will be living in your usual environment where substances are prominent and accessible. This is likely to increase your temptation to use or drink “just one last time.”

Especially if you’ve previously attempted to detox at home but have failed, it would be easier for you and less tempting if you were in a different environment that will support your objectives in detoxing such as in an in-care treatment facility.


You can also be at great risk of an overdose. Remember that when you are detoxing, your body is working very hard to rid itself of the dangerous substances within its system; substances to which your body may have grown tolerant and dependent on.

Should you relapse during detox, you make take in an even larger dose than you think your body will be able to handle. Apparently, by this point, your body will be less tolerant to the substance so that taking a large dose can significantly affect the body even worse than before.

Experts are trying to advocate detoxing in an in-patient center as the safest way to get rid of the illicit substances in the system properly and thoroughly.

First off, the period at which you detox will be closely supervised and you will always be treated with medications for weaning. These medications can help ease the withdrawal effects and make it easier for your body to slowly but surely rid itself of the addictive substances accumulated.

The best treatment to use for detoxification is found in those centers as their choices are usually those that can ease you throughout the entire process more comfortably and safely.

While it may seem more convenient to detox at home, the reality is, it is not worth all the risks and dangers you may end up with.

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Friday, 26 May 2017

What Is The Difference Between Oxycontin And Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is often thought of as the lesser of the two evils as it is most often used in combination with other medications. This opiate is often formulated alongside Tylenol or Ibuprofen in several formulations. The number of prescription pain relievers with Oxycodone components include Tylox, Percodan, Percocet and of course, OxyContin. OxyContin, on the […]

is republished from Detox of South Florida



Alcoholic Drinks: Why Did You Stop Drinking?

There may be a number of reasons why you have thought of stopping alcoholic beverage drinking. A lot of people wanted to do the same mainly because they have already developed some sort of alcohol-related medical condition that forbids them to continue using it.

The developed conditions are all related to the use of alcohol, which often times include liver diseases. There are also those who have to stop alcohol intake as they have to start a medication that can react badly with subsequent alcohol use. Then again others do it for religious reasons, while a handful does it for a healthier lifestyle.

If you have any of the above reasons to remove alcohol completely from your entire life, you need to know that there are many struggling with alcohol use; you are definitely not alone. First off, you should be thinking about your drinking habits becoming a serious problem. If you are experiencing symptoms from your alcohol dependence, you have to consult a doctor or a medical professional as soon as you can. There are also numerous national alcohol support services where you can go to if you need some advice.

Totally giving up on alcohol could be very difficult especially if you were once a heavy drinker. However, these tips and techniques could make the symptoms easier to overcome.

You can take a Drinking Self-Assessment and also make sure your intentions are known to your family as well as to your friends.

You have to be able to explain your decision to ultimately quit drinking alcohol and your reasons for doing so. This way, you can share your success with your loved ones. They can help you, support you, and understand why you are suddenly turning down offers to drink or go to the pub.

You have to frequently remind yourself as well as those close to you why you decided to stop drinking. They can also help you keep yourself on track. Also, they might encourage another person to give up drinking and may even stop drinking just like you.

You should avoid temptation as much as possible in the early stages of quitting alcohol.

It means that you need to stop going out to your favorite pub. If you have a tendency to drink when you are eating out, opt to eat out at restaurants where alcohol is not being sold. You could also volunteer to drive so that you have to make sure that you will not get intoxicated. You should also identify when you are most likely to grab a drink and fill that gap with a different activity to keep your mind off alcohol.

For instance, if you are used to going to the pub on Friday evening after work, you can head off to the cinema instead. Alternately, if you are giving up on alcohol to have a healthier lifestyle, you can fill the gap with a fitness regimen like an exercise class or swim in your local pool.

You should also identify your triggers.

These are the times or situations where you are most likely tempted to have a drink. This is particularly crucial if you have struggled with quitting alcohol in the past. You can identify the reasons for your previous attempts at quitting and why you failed then. For instance:

  • Did you continue to visit the pub?
  • Did you tell your partner why you chose to stop drinking?
  • Did you still have access to alcohol at home?
  • Did you gradually give up your drinking?

If you really want to quit on alcohol to move to a healthier lifestyle, you need to cut down the amount of alcohol you consume gradually as opposed to completely giving up on alcohol.

It can help you a lot and it will also be much easier to adhere to. If you choose to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, you can effectively and completely quit alcohol in the future. The process of cutting down on alcohol intake need not be complicated. For instance, if you are used to drinking each night, you can begin by taking a couple of days off the substance making them alcohol-free days. In time, this can turn into a habit.

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Signs Of Alcoholism: 4 Signs That You’re Most Likely Alcoholic

Are you concerned that your alcohol intake is getting out of hand? Maybe you are drinking more than you should be consuming at a safe level? The fact that you are concerned about your alcohol consumption means that you are actually a drinker.

A lot of times, the terms “problem drinker” and “alcoholic” can be used interchangeably. Most drinkers have the tendency to prefer being called a “problem drinker.” ”Alcoholics” has got a lot of negative connotations attached to it.

To help you find out for yourself whether or not you are suffering from alcoholism, or if you’d prefer “problem drinking,” then you can refer to this guide.

Sign #1: You just can’t say “NO” to a drink.

If you’re having a hard time telling your peers that you WON’T be drinking alcohol, then you could actually be suffering from alcoholism. Heavy drinkers usually consume alcohol round the clock, despite promising yourself that you’ll stop drinking alcohol already. If this is your problem, you need to consult your doctor for guidance on how to overcome the issue.

Sign #2: Tolerance has now developed.

Just like any other addictive substance, too much intake of alcohol can also cause tolerance because the body can actually become resistant to alcohol’s effects in time. With tolerance, you would have to drink larger amounts of alcohol to experience the same desired effects each time. If you are drinking more quantities of alcohol than others and you still don’t feel drunk, it is more likely a sign of alcoholism.

Sign #3: You are feeling guilty feelings post drinking sessions.

Are you experiencing a heavy sense of guilt after going through a heavy session? Maybe you have promised your loved ones or yourself time and again that you will not be drinking alcohol again. Alcohol can cause you to be an anti-social in the long run. In the morning after a heavy drinking session, you could be filled with regret over the things that you have said or done that came as a result of your drinking session. If this is true in your life, then you are likely to be having bouts of problem drinking.

Sign #4: You are always disturbed by the desire to drink.

Are you actually thinking about drinking alcohol right now? Do you do this all day, every day? It could be that you are even planning your life now around alcohol. The preoccupation of the mind with alcohol is sufficient evidence to prove that you are struggling with alcoholism.

Although alcohol could have positive effects in terms of social interaction, alcohol abuse can lead to antisocial behaviors and a host of other negative side effects including high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, stroke, and cancer.

Drinking alcohol, in the long run, can also damage your cognitive performance. This explains why you are more likely to do something when you are drunk that you would not normally do when you are sober.

Too much consumption of alcohol can also take its toll on your perspective of society. If you’re suffering from alcoholism, then you’re more likely to become involved in domestic violence.

You can first limit your intake of alcohol during the weekend. Also, you need to practice saying no to alcohol when you know you will be going to social functions.

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Thursday, 25 May 2017

Treatment For Alcoholism: There Is Need For Actual Government Support

Our society has continuously been battling with the issue of addiction for many decades. Every day, more and more people fall into the trap of addiction. Due to this, there have been plenty of efforts to reach out and help these people to greatly reduce if not completely eradicate the number of addicts in the society. Everyone is looking up to authorities in the government to implement a better way to counter addiction. It is then unfortunate that there continuous to be a lack of concrete solutions and assistance and that only continuous rhetoric is being heard by the public.

As the old adage goes, “actions speak louder than words.” Truly this is applicable in our situation today. Yet, research, speeches, and studies have become monotonous. It often reaches a point when speeches about continuous studies on addiction fail to have the same breadth from before. Many of the researches and studies being conducted today are only going over and over into aspects already reviewed in the past. Hence, the results are just the same. If anything, there is only been a waste of resources both time and money.

Truth is, there is already a lot to know about addiction.

Repeating the same studies would not necessarily provide any momentum to go forward. We already know much of the functions, the causes, and the intricacies addiction brings. There won’t necessarily be any new or else useful information that could be uncovered by further research.

Instead, now is the time to act and help out those who are struggling in overcoming addiction. Those who are struggling with alcohol and drugs are in dire need of treatment and providing widely-known info will do nothing for them.

Several parts of our government have already touched upon addiction over the years. Yet, all there really is to be seen and heard are fancy speeches and duplicate research that do nothing to reduce the numbers of addicted individuals. For instance, the current administration of Donald Trump has not even formulated a detailed plan for addressing the opioid crisis.

The way they discuss and handle the situation lies only in their plan of creating the so-called Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. The said commission is expected to create a report to gain federal funding methods. Once again, this is nothing but duplicate work and rhetoric. It does not necessarily address the issue directly.

We are going to need resources for struggling addicts to overcome their addiction treatments.

They also need to gain a much-improved access to treatment facilities, which may be done by further funding state drug rehab centers and also expanding such centers because apparently, these facilities are still extremely overcrowded.

In addition, there should be further implementation of the Naloxone to save lives from an overdose. There should also be a shift of viewpoint as well as operating basis to get these people directly into treatment and not on punishment or even imprisonment which does nothing to help these individuals overcome their addiction.

For individuals who witness the struggle of their loved ones who have become addicted to drugs and or alcohol, there should be assistance and awareness programs on how they could get a person successfully into rehab.

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How To Inject Fentanyl Patch?

While transdermal patches of Fentanyl in gel form (e.g. original Duragesic) is a bad idea, non-clinical injection of the drug is even worse. The medication is 50-100x stronger than other opioids even morphine, from which the drug is derived.

  • The most common method of administration of Fentanyl is transdermal via patches.
  • The most recognized brand of fentanyl patches is Duragesic. In recent years, there have been numerous reports of fentanyl abuse that included the mixing of fentanyl in other drugs like heroin.
  • Accidentally coming into contact with the Fentanyl patch’s sticky side can also lead to the drug being released directly into the bloodstream.

Fentanyl inside the patch is like a gel.

In prior years Fentanyl crystals have failed to dissolve; however, those who abuse Fentanyl patches often remove the gel inside and ingest the three days’ worth of supply in one use. Here are other methods of abusing a Fentanyl patch:

Using multiple patches

Some users place more than one patch on their skin, which usually increases the amount of Fentanyl being absorbed by the skin and get them to feel “high.” However, doing this may take the drug a longer time to clear from the body and the person may reap the negative effects.

Injecting fentanyl

There are Fentanyl users who remove the gel inside the patch and either melt it or mix it in water. With the use of a hypodermic needle, they inject the drug into their vein. The method can have a rapid drug onset, but also an immediate overdose. Recently, abusers boil the patches and inject the liquid into their vein.

Drinking boiled liquid

Those who boil the patches also sometimes drink the boiled liquid making a dangerous “tea.” This can also result in an overdose.

Chewing patches

One other method of ingesting fentanyl orally involves chewing of the patches without modifications. The method could break the layers of the patch and immediately release the majority of the drug at once. Fentanyl is then absorbed via the mucous membranes in the mouth, but this method leads to a rapid overdose.


Fentanyl can also be smoked like heroin. The liquid or gel in the patch is sometimes removed then heated, and then the smoke or vapor is inhaled. Fentanyl can enter the bloodstream via the thin membranes in the lungs and can quickly reach the brain this way.


Illicit powder forms of Fentanyl sold on the black market are usually snorted. There are those who also remove the contents of patches to snort them.

For young children, and even adults with little to no tolerance of narcotics, the contact can be life-threatening.

The Food and Drug Administration also reveals that the use of fentanyl patches even as prescribed, within its first 24 to 72 hours can have life-threatening consequences like breathing problems, which is an indicator of an overdose.

Fentanyl, therefore, is supposed to be administered through the skin to slow down the release of the drug in the body. Duragesic patches usually last for 3 days before they need to be changed.

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What Are Opiate Drugs?

Marketing has a major role on what kinds of drugs physicians prescribe to their patients and what the latter requests. If you remember, there was once an iconic commercial from Zoloft, “little sad blob” that revealed just how much advertising can impact its consumers. Given that both advertising and marketing provide a source of revenue for a lot of pharmaceutical companies, they may have been reluctant on curbing such actions.

Pfizer once, in an unprecedented move, agreed to adopt a code of conduct on how they will market opioid painkillers. However, the effect of such marketing code is yet to be seen although it may help patients in recognizing the risks of taking a prescription opioid.

Risks of Widespread Opioid Use

A person who opts to take opioids is vulnerable to a long list of risks. One of the risks is opioid dependence. In this state, the individual’s body can become accustomed to drug’s presence in the body. When taken over a long period of time, the body will adjust to the presence of opioids inside often resulting in drug tolerance. Eventually, the body will require even more doses just to achieve a similar effect. In addition, those who are on prescription opioids can also experience withdrawal symptoms especially when they decide to go “cold turkey” on the drug.

Almost all of those who medicate with a prescription opioid in the long run develop opioid dependence to some degree. However, there are those who develop opioid addiction, which occurs once the individual starts to crave the drug and engage in a persistent behavior of taking the drug despite knowing of its harmful consequences. Opioid addiction may also put you at risk of opioid overdose which can result to death.

Opioid Has Benefits Also

Despite the known risks and the opioid epidemic that our country is currently facing, we should not overlook the benefits that prescription opioids can bring. Since morphine was introduced in the 1800s, this type of drugs has already been useful for pain alleviation, especially those associated with medical conditions like surgery. This is known to improve the quality of life of countless of suffering patients. Without the use of prescription opioids, acute injury, a surgical procedure and cancer-related pain can result to a lot of suffering.

More often than not, opioids are prescribed to treat chronic pain.

For many patients, however, prescription opioids can act as a double-edged sword. Prescription opioids may provide symptom relief and help patients go back to their daily life without suffering from chronic pain but the long-term use of these medications may lead to an even increased sensitivity to pain or hyperalgesia.

While the exact mechanisms revolving around the occurrence of such symptoms need further research, it appears that the long-term use of opioids can change the neurons in the system’s pain pathways causing our body to be more sensitive to any painful stimuli. The use of opioids, therefore, in chronic non-cancer pain may lead to an addiction making patients more sensitive to pain. In the long run, this may only end up hurting the patient even more.

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Alcoholic Beverage Control: Can You Do It?

Just like any other addictive substance, alcohol can become your “new normal” once it becomes a habit. Then, the moment you decide to quit drinking alcohol, your body suddenly throws a fit, longing for what it believes is a sense of normalcy.

Alcohol can be one of the types of drugs that have a potential for having fatal withdrawal syndromes. Should you realize in your self-assessment that you have become dependent on alcohol, you should avoid going “turkey” on drinking alcohol without medical supervision.

  • Studies have revealed that alcohol dependence can in fact become a permanent condition.
  • The symptoms of which may only be managed by the complete and lifelong abstinence on the substance.
  • Once the system has been changed in order to accommodate or tolerate copious amounts of alcohol, it may not be possible to get a “do over.”

Research further determines that alcohol addicts may never again be able to moderate their drinking habits.

Those who try may find that the disease will turn on them and they again find themselves back in the cycle of heavy drinking. Unhappily, they will need to welcome tolerance as well as the myriad of withdrawal symptoms. Dependence on alcohol is said to be progressive, chronic, and fatal and can only be mitigated only by abstaining.

Choosing to moderate your drinking may not describe your current drinking habits, but you can try. In fact, millions of people have been able to do this. If you are the kind of person who is able to set limits and stick to them, chances are you will be able to handle moderate drinking.

The question now is why do you drink and where do you usually find it hard to resist a drink?

You may be drinking moderately to accommodate your social needs but can’t you have a good time sans the risks of developing an alcohol addiction? You would not want to let alcohol fool you. It can be like nicotine, while it is legal; it remains to be a very powerful and a highly dangerous addictive substance. Why would you want to make it part of your life at all?

Millions of people have found success with moderate drinking. On the contrary, still millions find themselves unable to. An excellent way to decide if moderate drinking will work for you is by a sincere self-assessment of your own drinking habits like where you drink, how much you drink and why you drink. If you believe that you have become alcohol dependent, you may also opt to contact a physician or a drug addiction professional to help you have a new and healthy lifestyle again.

Just as with any kind of addiction, there is always hope for treatment and recovery.

While it takes some willpower, a strong support from family and friends is very important. In several cases, medication may be necessary to help alleviate the withdrawal symptoms. It should be regulated by a medical professional who is also most likely the one who will order your medication. No matter what, do not quit on yourself. The only thing you should think about quitting is your addiction and that is indeed very possible.

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Am I an Alcoholic? How to Know if You Are Suffering from Alcoholism

The first step in fixing any problem is identifying it. Sometimes people just don’t recognize a problem even if it is staring them in the face. And so it’s no surprise that people who are abusing alcohol don’t even know that they are doing it. It becomes especially confusing when heavy drinking is associated with […]

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Wednesday, 24 May 2017

I Am An Alcoholic

Problem drinkers have various histories and a vast range of experiences. The range of their experiences, however, does not make them any less of an alcoholic. It simply divides them right into various types of problem drinkers.

Problem drinkers make use of stereotypes to validate their increased alcohol consumption practices. They tend to defend themselves and refuse to believe that they could be an alcoholic. If the stereotypes concerning problem drinkers were unmasked and very well recognized, these reasons would not be tougher to point out.

Alcoholics defend their alcohol consumption practices simply by rejection.

An individual’s act of rejection will certainly lock in any kind of similarities from other known drinkers and even a small proof that he or she could not be an alcoholic will definitely be denied. Individuals that are undiagnosed and untreated are quick in making use of these stereotypes to cover themselves from the possibility of being seen as an alcoholic, which most of the time include these excuses:

  • I’m not homeless or neglected.
  • I do not consume alcohol from a brownish paper bag.
  • I do not consume on a daily basis.
  • I do not pass out.
  • I do not consume booze, just beer or wine.
  • I have actually never ever been captured drunk-driving.
  • I really did not grow up in a violent environment.

In all sincerity, not all problem drinkers are the same.

Some problem drinkers could never ever display any of these characteristics. As an alcoholic in the past, I have actually never been homeless. Neither have I been detained for alcohol consumption nor drunk-driving.

“High-Bottom” is a subjective term used to describe problem drinkers who did not experience considerable losses in their battle against dependency.

While there are people who call some of them as “Rock-Bottom,” in a lot of cases, specifically with high-bottom problem drinkers, they utilize their belongings or successes as the reason that they are not alcoholics. They may claim that “I’m not an alcoholic because…”

  • …I have my own house or I constantly pay lease promptly.
  • …I have an excellent job or business.
  • …I have friends and family that enjoy me.
  • …I go to church or synagogue or etc. routinely.
  • …I am a trusted individual.
  • …I come from a reputable family.
  • …I have control over my life.

You do not have to be falling apart at the joints to be an alcoholic.

High-bottom problem drinkers are individuals that preserve a great criterion of living, while still consuming alcohol increasingly. It is simply that a lot of individuals do not recognize their alcoholism until it causes problems and their lives fall apart to pieces.

The exact reason why people become dependent is still unidentified. This often leads to the question, “Is it inherent or a social problem?”

Always remember that despite how excellent an individual you are, or how flawlessly polished your life could be, you could still be an alcoholic. If you are unsure about your alcohol consumption’s state, talk to experts and have yourself diagnosed once and for all.

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Functioning Alcoholic: Keeping Relationships Is Possible

Studies suggest that around half of alcoholics may be described as high-functioning. That is, they are able to maintain their careers, be surrounded by a lot of friends, and even raise a family- all while being an alcoholic. Such people have been found to be very adept when it comes to disguising their abusive drinking.

Apparently, the outer trappings of their lives that often indicate success seemingly cover up their addictive habits. They also have a high tendency to be in denial of their problem, pointing to their success as components wherein a typical alcoholic would not have.

What’s more are those high-functioning alcoholics can go through years, even decades without anyone confronting them of their alcohol consumption habits. However, in the long run, most of these people will incur consequences. Maybe with an angry spouse who had to deal with the many years of alcoholism, a failed marriage that is blamed on problems except alcoholism, drinking while intoxicated and other indications that provoke the user to address his or her drinking behavior. More often than not, until a major event occurs that is directly caused by their addiction, the high-functioning alcoholic and even those surrounding him/her would not seek to address such behavior.

The dangerous drinking habits of a functional alcoholic are being concealed and kept as a secret from members of the family, friends, colleagues, boss and others.

These high-functioning alcoholics shield any underlying suspicion through their success at work, hardworking demeanor, and involvement in several hobbies and activities. However, the most tell-tale warning signs of a functional alcoholic are:

  • The need to rationalize their alcoholic consumption due to stressful situations like a work project or a personal goal.
  • The need to use alcohol to relax after a long day at work.
  • Denying that they have a drinking problem and can become defensive when they are confronted.
  • Drinking in secret. Hiding bottles of beer, wine or liquor.
  • Frequent mood changes, acting irrationally, easily annoyed or restless.
  • Participation in dangerous behaviors including DIU and risky sexual activities.

It may be difficult to identify when a person needs treatment for alcohol dependence if that individual is holding a professional, high-level career and if their alcoholic habits do not seem to have an impact on their finances.

Author Sarah Allen Benton in her book “Understanding the High-Functioning” alcoholic quoted Dr. Mark Willengring of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism saying people may be dependent, but show no obvious signs of abuse problems. They can be successful students, good workers, and parents and are even mindful of their weight through regular exercise. Then, they pack up, go home, and drink two bottles of wine or four martinis.

It’s vital to recognize that alcoholism does not necessarily equate failure in life.

There are many successful people who are alcoholics; they defy the stereotype of alcohols. In essence, they lead two lives: one they show in public being doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, or Wall Street brokers and one they keep in private drinking far more than the average social drinker.

It is unfortunate that when his or her drinking habits are buried for a prolonged time, the addiction is worsened and months go by before the effects of alcoholism start to interfere with their physical and emotional well-being. Daily obligations, relationships, and other important areas in their life are then affected.

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What is Alcoholism: Everything You Need to Know

Alcohol is viewed so casually by this modern-day society that people tend to forget the huge risk that comes with drinking it regularly: alcoholism. In fact, alcoholism is so often portrayed on television, particularly in sitcoms, as a reliable source of jokes. Alcoholic characters are seen as clumsy and bumbling—and we laugh at their inability […]

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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Non-Alcoholic Drinks: Is It Fine For Recovering Alcoholics?

One of the more common questions that newly sober people often wonder about is if they would be allowed to consume low-alcohol or even non-alcoholic beers. Apparently, despite the seeming harmlessness factor of non-alcoholic and low-alcoholic beverages, there are a few good reasons why recovering alcoholics need to avoid these types of drinks. Anyway, there are a lot of alternatives to non-alcoholic beer that will further your recovery in the process.

Low alcohol beers contain 0.5% ABV in the U.S.

The figure means that if you drink 9 glasses of non-alcoholic drinks, you are actually drinking one regular bill. It is almost impossible for anyone to become inebriated just by drinking non-alcoholic or low-alcohol beers. That is why it is legally made available to minors.

In places such as the UK, low alcohol beer is term differently. They actually use the term in reference to any drink with lower than 1.2% ABV. Technically, such a drink would make it possible for a very determined person to reach the stages of inebriation. They also classify drinks containing lower than 0.5% AbV as non-alcoholic beer.

A lot of these low alcoholic beers are actually lagers. Although it’s possible that you can find low-alcohol ales in the UK, it is just not that popular though. Other names for non-alcoholic beers include:

  • NA beer
  • Low alcohol beer
  • Small ale
  • Small beer
  • Pretend beer–colloquial term
  • Near beer
  • No alcohol beer
  • Nonalcoholic beer

A scientific analysis on how low-alcohol, non-alcohol, alcoholic drinks can affect the brain showed that alcohol can affect the part of the brain that regulates dopamine.

Dopamine controls a person’s feelings of elation or pleasure. The study was able to prove that the consumption as well as the anticipation of alcoholic beverage can cause the release of dopamine in the brain and can trigger one to consume it. Hence, beyond drinking a nonalcoholic drink, there are cases that even just the smell of alcohol could be enough to trigger a relapse.

Another study conducted by a research team tracked the changes of dopamine in 49 males as they drank small amounts of beer. Each individual had different familial backgrounds concerning alcoholism. The study resulted in new information that just little quantities of beer were enough to cause stimulation for a dopamine burst.

Apparently, the urge to consume alcohol became too strong in a lot of these people that the researchers encouraged abstinence as the key to staying sober. If you are currently going through recovery, you should resist the urge to consume or indulge in alcoholic or NA beer and low alcohol beer. This is vital if you want to avoid a relapse.

The decision to drink non-alcoholic drink is a personal one.

Certainly, there are a lot of dangers to drinking even non-alcoholic or low alcohol beers. Thus, it is crucial that you carefully consider all of your reasons before you even reach out for a bottle. There are those in recovery who may enjoy these drinks without negative consequences but it really depends on your motivation. Others suggest that it is not worth the risk especially if you are in the early stages of recovery.

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Alcoholism Treatment: Yes! Recovery Is Possible

Is there a cure for Alcoholism? In most cases, this question is posed by a concerned partner or a friend. Seldom, the question is asked by people who suffer from the disease. Just as with other diseases, the answer to this question is both yes and no.

  • When the brain gets used to the effects of alcohol, it can be difficult to forget.
  • The days spent consuming alcohol is often used by the brain to signal to the body to tolerate copious amounts of alcohol.
  • The habit can lead to alcohol tolerance, dependence, and addiction.

If it is possible to rewire the brain to crave alcohol, why is it difficult to rewire the brain once more not to crave alcohol again?

One of the most important decisions that an alcoholic person will be making in life is to choose to get help for alcoholism. Before any treatment program, it is important to understand the different services that each program can offer. For example, in a comprehensive program, the focus is on the individual as a whole, not just based on their use of alcohol.

Most of the comprehensive treatment programs available make use of a few or all of the following components:

Alcohol Detoxification

The most common initial step and most difficult are the detoxification phase. In many cases, the first few days after the alcoholic quits drinking, there will be extremely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that will follow. Due to these consequences, it is highly recommended that the alcohol detox stage is completed only under professional medical care.

Moreover, treatment specialist may provide the recovering alcoholic with medication that will help ease the pain of quitting alcohol. After this stage, the person who is suffering from the disease may move forward with the various forms of therapies and treatments.

Inpatient Rehabilitation

It is said that the most structured treatment environment for recovering alcoholics is an inpatient rehabilitation facility. These facilities are available to treat the most severe cases of alcoholism. They often require these people to remain on-site for the totality of the program which usually lasts 90 days. These treatment specialists also provide around-the-clock support and care to help them prepare for the life after the rehab. The program includes education on how the alcohol-dependent individuals can overcome triggers. They are also informed of the importance of staying sober through maintenance programs.

Counseling for Alcoholics

It is crucial for recovering individuals to receive guidance and communicate with an alcohol counselor during their recovery. Your therapist may work with them on trigger points which should be avoided all of the time. This may include tensions with both past and present relationships such as peers, family, and colleagues. This will give them the opportunity to know more about themselves and their health both in and out.

There is hard evidence that alcoholism is a lifelong condition.

Time and training are considered important aspects of treating the disease. Although they will never completely get rid of the cravings, they may lessen them and train themselves to avoid situations that involve alcoholic beverages.

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The Symptoms of Alcoholism

When drinking casually with friends develops into abuse, you know you have a problem. But when abuse turns into dependence, and becomes full blown alcoholism, you’ve got a problem that requires medical assistance. It’s hard to recover from alcoholism. The fact that the drink itself is addictive is only one thing you have to be […]

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Monday, 22 May 2017

Symptoms Of Alcoholism: How To Detect An Alcoholic?

Perhaps you are not the type who drinks a lot. You may even be able to go for a prolonged time without drinking alcohol or you could be the type who would only drink beer or wine in social events. Even in these seemingly non-alcoholic behaviors, you may still be at risk of alcohol dependency and alcohol abuse.

Just as not all rectangles can be squares, not everyone who abuses alcohol are in fact alcoholics.

People who abuse alcohol put themselves at a risk for becoming dependent or even addicted to alcohol. There are people who may develop alcoholism gradually, taking years before these individuals become diagnosed alcoholics. Then again there are those who with one major stress factor like a loss of a job, death of a loved one, or even a breakup can quickly escalate from alcohol abuse to alcohol addiction.

Binge drinking is a sign of alcohol abuse.

If you are able to consume 4-5 or even more alcoholic drinks in just 2 hours or even less, then you are binge drinking. While this is more common in young adults aged 18-34 years old, binge drinking can also be found in other age groups. Recent studies have even shown that adults 65+ binge drink more frequently.  

Emotional & physical self-destructive behaviors are signs.

DIU or drinking while intoxicated, aggressive behavior, undermining relationships, en bloc blackouts, and neglecting family responsibilities may be under this category.

Alcohol abusers usually begin with a reliance on alcohol as a way to de-stress after working the whole day for instance.

This can escalate when alcohol is used to cope with depression and anxiety. Some also combine alcohol with prescription medication, which is usually against medical advice.

Tolerance and withdrawal are characteristic signs of alcohol dependency.

Just as with other addictive substances, the tendency is that you may no longer experience the effects of the substance from the initial intake. Thus, you may feel compelled to take in more than you usually do just to reach the same effects from the beginning. This is a warning sign that you are becoming physically dependent on alcohol. Moreover, you may experience withdrawal symptoms during detoxes such as nausea, insomnia, headaches, sweating, shaking, fever and even hallucinations. Other physical manifestations are stomach pain, redness of cheeks and nose and weight loss.

Several alcohols are unable to control how much alcohol they consume or how frequently they resort to drinking.

There are many who cannot quit even after repeated attempts. There are also those who recognize that their alcoholic habits are already causing problems in school, at work, or in their relationships but they still cannot stop drinking. They usually find an excuse to justify their habits or they can feel shame and guilt over their consumption.

Indeed alcoholism can take away much of our time and resources.

Oftentimes, alcoholics realize that their activities are already revolving around alcohol. Hobbies, social responsibilities, and relationships are all surrendered to alcoholism. Most of one’s time and efforts are already focused on the consumption of alcohol.

The CDC confirms that more than 50 percent of American adults are regular drinkers.

This means these people typically consume 12+ alcoholic drinks over the year. Moreover, around 30 percent are at risk for alcohol dependency or abuse. Some of the risk factors include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Family background
  • Social class
  • Social circles
  • Education
  • Mental and emotional health

Some of these may be well beyond the control of an individual. However, the decision to drink in a responsible way is up to each one of us. We need not redirect the blame towards other people or even our circumstances in life as to why we lose control over our drinking habits. If you really want to take back your control over your choices and your life, it is important that you honestly assess your own drinking habits, your risks, your health, and future.

Just as with any other disease, alcoholism requires medical professionals for treatment.

Many alcoholics turn to inpatient treatment, which can provide 24-hour supervision to help mitigate the withdrawal symptoms and avoid relapse. You can gain comfort as well as support during these times from those who identifies with what you’re going through. We are social creatures. Thus, we depend on each other for help and there’s no shame in having to ask for or accept help.


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