Friday, 31 March 2017

What is Hydrocodone?

The semi-synthetic drug, hydrocodone is produced from codeine, a drug found in the poppy plant. Hydrocodone belongs to the family of narcotic analgesics or painkillers. Hydrocodone usually comes in the liquid form. Doctors prescribed the drug to alleviate pain, treat and prevents a cough. The drug is marketed under the brand name of Vicodin, Norco, and Lortab.

Hydrocodone affects the central nervous system and used to treat mild to severe pain. The drug shows effects that are more effective than codeine but more lethal than morphine in treating cough.

History of Hydrocodone

Helene Lowenheim and Carl Mannich first develop hydrocodone in 1920 in Germany. On March 23, 1943, the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug.  Canada’s health agency, Health Canada also passed the drug under the brand name, hycodan.

Why is hydrocodone made?

Lowenheim and Mannich added oxygen to codeine to resolve stomach upset and high toxicity, the usual side effects of codeine. In February of 1924, Knoll first marketed hydrocodone under the brand name Dicodid. Afterward, several drugs followed to market hydrocodone as Dilaudid, Dihydrin, Dinarkon and Dimorphan.

Reports of the hydrocodone addiction did not surface more than 30 years in 1961 since it first came out in the market.

How is hydrocodone abused?

Hydrocodone affects thousands of opioid receptors on the body. However, it does not address the pain directly; it only changes the patient’s experience of the pain. For this exact reason, it makes the users seek the sensation and turn it into a habit. Some of the addictive properties of the drug include numbness, sleepiness, reduced stress and increased value of one’s self.

The drug is prescribed mostly in the US, according to a study of the International Narcotics Control Board. The study shows that in 2007, the US consumed about 99% of hydrocodone supply in the international market.  Based on a report from the National Institute of Health (NIH), 20% Americans take drugs like Vicodin for non-medical purposes. Also, 24 million over 21 years old use hydrocodone for no valid reasons.

Hydrocodone is widely available and makes it easier to abuse. The DEA claimed that 136 prescriptions of the drug were made in 2013. Over the years, 20 million prescriptions were dispensed since 2006.

In 2011, the drug caused an approximate 100,000 abuse-related hospital emergency in the US. To solve the problem, the US government implemented stricter regulation for the drug prescription in 2014.

Signs and symptoms

The dependence for hydrocodone usually starts with a prescription. With the substance dependence, it increases the necessity to take more despite its harmful side effects. The effects of hydrocodone can cause deadly effects like morphine and heroin.

Also, hydrocodone affects the reward system of the brain which strengthens the dependence for it. Hydrocodone abuse can result in both short and long term injury in the physical and mental well-being.

Mild Side Effects of Hydrocodone

Patients consuming hydrocodone may feel several mild effects and eventually wears off. Symptoms may include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Weakened muscles
  • Hives
  • Insomnia

Severe Side Effects of hydrocodone

Prolonged use of the drug can result in permanent damage. Hydrocodone can affect the brain’s reward system, resulting in decreased sensation for pleasure in most activities.

The drug contains depressant property and can lead to severe side effects. Also, hydrocodone can slow the heart’s rate causing it to stop beating. It is necessary to contact or seek medical attention once these symptoms become clear.

  • Trouble urinating
  • Slowed heartbeat
  • difficulty in breathing
  • bowel obstruction
  • severe itching, hives or swelling
  • vomiting

Treatment for hydrocodone addiction


Detoxification is a medical process of removing traces of the drug in the blood stream. Since hydrocodone is an opiate, it requires several days to complete a detox process. Patients may experience withdrawal symptoms undergoing detoxification. The length of time that the patient uses the drug and the dosage intake makes a difference on the duration of the withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms of the drug usually start 6 to 12 hours from the last intake. It is important to have medical support during this time. One should consider going to an inpatient facility for care and safety.  Specialists may prescribe medication to shorten the withdrawal symptoms and ease the discomfort. Some of the withdrawal symptoms of hydrocodone include:

  • Muscle pains
  • Runny nose
  • Sweating
  • Severe shaking
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Depression

For hydrocodone, the longer it was consumed, the more the brain is hooked into it. As an opiate, sudden stop use hydrocodone proved dangerous. A medical professional can control how the body flushes the drug in the system. This makes the withdrawal system controllable.



After completing the detox process, rehabilitation takes place. It involves any individual or group sessions or both. A therapist can help with the relapse, makes the patient involved in activities while addressing the source of the addiction. The treatment seems impossible but doable.

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Alcoholism Effects: It Is More Than Just Liver Disease?

In alcoholism, the increased intake of alcohol can damage the nerves and cause disruptive functions. The amount of alcohol that enters the body can turn into alcoholic neuropathy, a severe nerve damage.  

Neuropathy is the medical term used to describe nerve damages. Individuals diagnosed with neuropathy have some level of nerve malfunctions. Generally, the neurons help the body create actions, both conscious and unconscious. If you read our previous blog, Is Binge Drinking A Sign Of Early Alcoholism? Then you already know of the dangerous road that overusing alcohol can lead you down.

The Nervous System

To fully understand the way by which alcohol can affect the nervous system, you need to know the functions of the system first.

  1. The CNS or Central Nervous System is composed of the brain and the spinal cord. The brain controls body’s function including actions, emotions, thoughts, and communication. The spinal cord, on the other hand, functions to send messages from and to the brain as well as to the peripheral system.
  2. The Autonomic Nervous System consists of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. The entire nervous system works without any conscious actions or efforts. Both divisions in the ANS controls body processes, including blood pressure and respiration.
  3. The PNS or Peripheral Nervous System is a collective term for the 43 pairs of sensory and motor nerves, which control the senses and movements of the body. Motor coordination, by far, is one of the most vital tasks of the PNS.

Motor and Sensory Nerves are parts of the PNS. The motor nerves, first and foremost, control the muscles. Under the motor nerves are somatic motor nerves that affect the actions of the skeletal muscles;  general visceral motor nerves that function to take control of the smooth muscles like the heart; and the special visceral motor nerves for the face and neck. The sensory nerves, meanwhile, respond to specific situations. These nerves send warning signs from organs to the brain and spinal cord.

The Dangers of Increased Alcohol Intake

Drinking alcoholic beverages, in large amounts consistently also considered binge drinking, will have a detrimental effect on the human body. The effects can include damages to the nervous system functions, cardiac functions, immune system functions, and most especially the liver. If you are struggling for ways in which you can stay sober, or thinking for other activities to do to pass the time, check out our post, “How To Stay Sober During Weekends“.

  • Approximately 55 percent of alcoholics develop liver cirrhosis, while some 35 percent acquire hepatitis. These alcohol dependents also have a high risk of tuberculosis and pneumonia due to decreasing immune system functions.
  • Drinking alcohol excessively may likewise result in high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. Certain heart diseases can develop also such as heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, and cardiomyopathy.
  • Alcoholics often suffer sudden cardiac death. Mothers who continually drinks, while being pregnant could deliver a child with fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • There is also a high risk of developing cancers of the liver, mouth, throat, esophagus, and breast in women.

What Is Alcoholic Neuropathy?

With excessive and long use of alcoholic beverages, alcoholic neuropathy is more likely to develop.

  • Research and clinical studies have proven that 25 to 66 percent of individuals diagnosed with chronic alcoholism develop this disease and that it often affects alcoholics aged 40 to 60.
  • Signs of nerve damages include painful abnormal sensations, mostly in the lower part of the body. The agonizing feelings are usually not relieved by medication or other treatment methods.
  • Individuals with family history of alcoholism, malnutrition, thiamine deficiency, and alcohol toxicity are believed to be at greater risk of developing alcoholic neuropathy.

Thiamine deficiency is one of the risk factors of developing alcoholic neuropathy.

Thiamine is an important metabolic vitamin that functions to keep peripheral nervous system healthy. Neuropathy develops when ethanol found in alcohol decreases thiamine absorption by the intestines. Ethanol minimizes hepatic storage of thiamine in the liver, which then destroys the conversion of thiamine for its intended function. With this, alcoholics develop both thiamine deficiency and increase the risk of alcoholic neuropathy.

Symptoms of Alcoholic Neuropathy

The symptoms may vary from one alcoholic to another. They usually develop slow for several months, while some have rapid, progressive onset. These symptoms may include abnormalities in the sensory, motor, and autonomic functions.

Gait problems are also noticeable with those in the severe stage. The major symptom that individuals complain is pain, but others may have burning sensations. Upper and lower extremities could also develop awkward sensations due to sensory nerve malfunction. Here are more signs and symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy:


  • Muscle spasms and cramps
  • Muscle weakness and atrophy
  • Loss of muscle functioning
  • Movement disorders


  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Burning
  • Pins and needles sensations


  • Urinary incontinence
  • Incomplete bladder emptying
  • Impotence in men
  • Abnormal intolerance to heat
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Nausea or vomiting

Treatment Options and Prognosis

There are cases when permanent nerve damages are incurred by alcohol dependents. While this could sound severed, there are a lot of treatments to minimize the effects.

  • Avoiding alcohol is the best and cheapest way to stop pain and lessen further damages to the nervous system.
  • Diet should be nutritious and balanced. B-complex vitamins should be taken every day and rehabilitation is also necessary to achieve complete sobriety.

To treat pain and discomfort associated with alcoholic neuropathy, amitriptyline or gabapentin are often prescribed although there are over-the-counter medications that can also relieve pain, including acetaminophen or aspirin.

Severe, long-term pain and permanent physical disabilities may be the end-result of alcoholic neuropathy. Older adults diagnosed with this disease develop poor posture and gait, which can make elderly people prone to falls because of loss of balance.

For alcoholics, stopping excessive alcoholic consumption will prevent the occurrence of the painful and debilitating alcoholic neuropathy. If you want to stop alcoholism but don’t know how to start, you can always ask for professional help. It is never too late.


Is EDM Music Contributing To Drug Abuse?

You’re probably familiar with EDM, even if you don’t know what it stands for (Electronic Dance Music, by the way). Its a genre whose instantly recognizable throbbing bass sounds and synthesizer leads have even taken the pop music world by storm. However, in the underbelly of EDM culture lies an intense drug scene that rivals […]

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Thursday, 30 March 2017

Is Binge Drinking A Sign Of Early Alcoholism?

Can Weekend Binge Drinking Be A Precursor To Alcoholism?

Drinking during your weekend break does not automatically imply that you have a trouble with alcohol. However, if you are in the case of binge alcohol consumption, it is time to reevaluate yourself. In other words, you had better check yourself before you wreck yourself.

You may decide to kick off the weekend break with a glass of wine, a beer,  or other mixed beverage of your choosing. What begins as one beverage soon leads to one after another. Before you knew it, casual drinking turns sloppy.

Why Binge Drinking Isn’t A good Idea

Binge alcohol consumption on weekend breaks can be extremely harmful. The issues may start with sleep problems that can progress to more serious conditions that involve both the liver and  lungs.  In addition, drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short amount of time can set off signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning or worse alcohol-related coma.

While excessive alcohol consumption does not always progress into alcoholism, it boosts your risk of developing dependence. The line between alcohol addiction and binge drinking during the weekend can be too thin, leaving most people unsure of whether it’s time to be concerned or not.

What Are The Signs Of Cringe Worthy Binge Weekend Drinking?

Going out for a couple of drinks with your friends is normal, but can swiftly go out of control. Rather than saying enough, the weekend drinking champion in you proceeds drinking excessively. Here are five usual indicators of a prospective weekend break alcohol consumption problem:

1 or 2 beverages is not enough?

You may discover that often, you’d want a 3rd or even extra beverages as time goes by. Unable to handle your alcohol consumption on weekends could progress to drinking even on weekdays.

Acting different when you’re sober?

Alcohol could highlight a different side of you, triggering you to act in a manner, which can place you, or those around you, at risk. Binge drinking during the weekend can make you do things that violate your far better, sober reasoning.

Alcohol has another benefit for you?

There are cases when you may warrant why you deserve a beverage like making it through a stressful week or ending up a crucial task at work. Rather that building up a possibility of dependence, come up with a brand-new way to reward your hardworking self.

Are you hostile when drinking?

Numerous research studies have actually revealed a direct association between hostility and binge drinking. Alcohol can change the way you reply to specific scenarios. It could be hard to identify a drinking trouble when it’s not a daily incident. However, weekend break binge alcohol consumption is a major worry when it comes to alcoholism. Consuming extreme amounts of alcohol on weekend breaks does not only bring your overall wellness down. It could damage your relationships, profession, and personal goals.

A societal stigma has been created against individuals, who are going through the alcohol abuse ordeal. Others instantly presume that these people are out of work,  lazy, and do not do anything from the time they wake up to when they drop asleep, but drink. While these maybe true to some, most of the time, this is far from reality. Don’t allow yourself to become a victim.

The term functional alcoholic was coined because there are many high achieving people who are addicts. Make a choice to give up binge drinking before it’s too late.

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Most Famous Celebrities That Have Died From Alcohol Abuse

When the topic of drug addiction and detox programs comes up, many people neglect to think of the most widely abused drug in the world: alcohol. Because it is such a common and largely socially acceptable substance, alcoholism often goes unnoticed and untreated. When this occurs, it rarely if ever means anything good for the […]

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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

What Does A Cocaine Addict Act Like? Signs of An Addict

What Does A Cocaine Addict Act Like? Cocaine addiction is one of the most serious forms of addiction dealt with in recovery. If you suspect a loved one might be using or even worse abusing cocaine, there are certain signs to look for. When high, they will exhibit certain behavioral cues that might let you […]

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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

How To Stay Sober During Weekends

Are you thinking of sober activities to do because the weekend is once again here? Don’t get wasted. It is possible to stay sober. But you must win before you begin. What that means is have a plan for success instead of going with the flow. Because going with the flow will typically lead you down the same paths. 

Eventually, you will realize that nothing compares to staying sober- it is a positive way to live life! One huge benefit is you will wake up without asking what you did the night before, without the hangover headaches, and without the remorses.

To continue what you have started, here are sober activities that will not put your recuperation in jeopardy.

Museums are educational, especially for history and art lovers.

These places can serve as a quiet and excellent space for reflection. If you needed to breathe outside of the house, a neighboring museum is a great idea. Or, if you take pleasure in backgrounds, you might consider looking into local scenic tours in your area.

Regional sports games for athletes.

Sign up with a sports organization within the neighborhood. Dedicating yourself to regular games will make you busy, not to mention, you can inspire others to do the same.

Watch local movie theater for film enthusiasts.

Find a buddy to spend supper with, while watching a movies in parks perhaps. Or, you could welcome some friends over, some popcorn, and host a film fest of your own.

Stroll around the neighborhood parks for the impatients.

Stroll to a coffeehouse, get a slice of pizza, or do some late-night window shopping. You may find the company with fresh air a great way to let pass time.

Run 5k for health enthusiasts.

You want to run? Train for it! It will really feel satisfying when you do. If you need a workout routine partner, join a night running group or find a personal fitness instructor for that added push.

For artists: Host special celebrations for artists.

Invite good friends over during Sunday night football or organize a pumpkin sculpting competition. Perhaps a “Friendsgiving Dinner” in November? Any terrific celebration to have a sober party with your closest pals is an excellent idea.

If you’re still puzzled for ideas, ask somebody in your sober network  like a therapist, a coach, or a close friend . What they can share with you can for sure provide enjoyable evening. If you feel that you have never before required help in your journey to recovery, do not hesitate to reach out.


“Don’t Even Think About It: Drug Addiction and the Dangers That Come With It”

We’ve all heard the horror stories. We’ve all been told countless tales of sorrow from people who’ve suffered through it. We’ve read so many news stories about celebrities that have been caught using and abusing it. We are all familiar with the difficulties, the pain and the struggles that come along with drug addiction. So […]

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Monday, 27 March 2017

Fentanyl Abuse: What You Need to Know

Did you know that Fentanyl is more potent than morphine? And did you know that more than 2 million Americans are addicted to similar prescription opiods? If fentanyl addiction is something you or someone you love is suffering from, then there are a lot more things that you should know. We’ll cover all the basics […]

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Friday, 24 March 2017

Opiate Addiction: How To Successfully Deal With Withdrawal Process?

You might be reading this post because you want to get sober, but you’re afraid of your body’s reaction when you stop using it. You must have heard that opiate withdrawal is severe and you are afraid of what will happen to your body. Addiction & Withdrawal You may know opiates by many names. Vicodin, […]

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Thursday, 23 March 2017

Help Your Child Overcome Drug Addiction, It’s Lot Too Late

It’s a hard thing to accept that your child is making choices that put their health and life at risk. If you’ve started looking for treatment options, that means you are ready to help your child make a change, and you are ready to help them on the long road to sobriety. It’s a brave […]

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Wednesday, 22 March 2017

What Is Heroin, And How Can You Spot Heroin Addiction?

Heroin addiction can’t always be identified at a glance. An addict’s family may think their behavior is just due to stress, tiredness, or social alcohol drinking. Often, even if the addict is confronted about their behavior, they will not admit that they have a problem. Heroin is a drug that is not only illegal but […]

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Monday, 20 March 2017

Drug Related Deaths On The Rise In Conneaut Ohio

Multi-drug overdoses were the sixth leading cause of death in Conneaut, Ohio last year, with the number of cases soaring compared to 2015.

According to the annual mortality report by the Conneaut Health Department, 2016 saw eight fatal cases of drug overdose, whereas 2015 only had two confirmed drug-related deaths. Health Commissioner Sally Kennedy adds that the health department is still awaiting information that could add a ninth case to the list.

“It has become a very, very serious problem,” Kennedy said.

Until now, the health department is looking into the ninth reported case of multi-drug overdose in the city.

Meanwhile, cancer remained the number one cause of death in the city, claiming fifteen lives in 2016. Eight of these cases were confirmed to be lung cancer.

Other leading causes of death were myocardial infarction, with 14 related deaths; congestive heart failure, with 9; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and respiratory failure tying with multi-drug overdoses, having 8 victims each.

The report states that hypertension is the top contributing factor in many of these cases, being the top factor in 29 deaths, as well as contributing in 25 percent of all deaths in the Ohio city.

As for the other double-digit contributing factors, coronary artery disease was related in 19 instances; tobacco use and abuse had 18; atrial fibrillation had 16; diabetes had 15; dementia/Alzheimer’s had 12; and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease contributed in 11 deaths according to the report.

Tobacco use contributed for more deaths in men compared to women by a 5 to 1 margin. On the other hand, dementia/Alzheimer’s was a cause of death for more women than men.

In total, Conneaut confirmed 110 total deaths in 2016, up by 14 cases compared to 2015’s 96 deaths. Out of these deaths, 62 were men. The report further notes that 10 of these were accidental deaths, while 2 were suicides. As for crime, there were no reported homicides in 2016.

The annual mortality report by the Conneaut Health Department included some additional findings. It states that for the year 2016, the youngest death was a 16-year-old. The oldest female to die last year was 101 years old, while the oldest man to die was 95 years old.

Nearly 25 percent of these deaths occurred among people who were in their 80s. This specific finding was nearly identical with 2015. Total deaths involving people under 60 years also jumped to 27 percent compared to 2015’s 23 percent. Whether this has something to do with the increased number of drug-related deaths is unconfirmed.

Additionally, thirty-four percent of all deaths reported in the Ohio city were cardiac- or circulatory-related, with the number reaching 38 different cases. This is a slight jump from 33 percent in 2015.

The report further notes that cancer was the cause in 13 percent of the cases, and is down from 17 percent from the year before. Cancer victims noted in the annual mortality report were mostly male, reaching sixty percent of the confirmed cases.


Im Addicted To Fentanyl- Now What Do I Do?

After realizing that you have a fentanyl addiction, you should seek professional treatment. Since fentanyl is so powerful and its effects are both physical and mental, the treatment needs to address both aspects too. The first step, definitely, is detoxification. What is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a powerful painkiller. It is also highly addictive and abusing […]

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Friday, 17 March 2017

Fentanyl Addiction: Don’t Wait A Second, Seek Treatment Now!

Fentanyl is an extremely potent opiate narcotic, 30-50 times stronger than heroin and 50-100 times stronger than morphine. It is used for severe pain, most often in breakthrough cancer pain. When sold on the street, fentanyl is often mixed with heroin or cocaine, increasing its already significant potential for danger. Abusing fentanyl, especially mixed with […]

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Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Fentanyl Addiction (Often) Starts In Seeking For Pain Relief Medication

Chronic pain is more common among women than men, and opioids like fentanyl are often prescribed to them to ease the pain. Many of them, however, abuse the drug by using it for a longer periods of time, way longer than their prescription allowed. In many cases, this prescription drug also falls into the hands […]

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Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Drug Addiction 101: Acknowledgement Is First Step Towards Recovery

Do you wish that you could stop using a substance, but can’t? Do you feel physical withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop? Do you obsess over how you’re going to get more? You are (most) probably undergoing addiction. Drug addiction is a medical disorder, and sufferers should seek professional help, which may include a […]

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70 Percent of Employers Feel the Effects of Workplace Drug Abuse

More than 70 percent of employers in the United States are reportedly feeling the impact of prescription drug abuse in their workplaces, according to the National Safety Council. According to a survey conducted by the NSC, 71 percent of employers agree that misuse of drugs have a direct impact on the company. This percentage also […]

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Monday, 13 March 2017

The Role Of Genetics In Addition And How Amino Acid Treatment Can Help

How Genetics Affect Our Likelihood Of Becoming An Addict There is no doubt among the scientific community that genetics play a significant role in the likelihood that one person can be more susceptible to addiction than another. There are specific genes and traits that will make someone more likely to become addicted to specific or […]

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Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Celebrity Rehab Success Stories Show How Substance Abuse Can Hit Anyone

Often enough it’s hard to find that push to check yourself into rehab, or to help give a loved one a nudge in the right direction to help them get their life on track. While there is the image of living life up like a rockstar and doing lines between shows, the best and most […]

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