Monday, 24 July 2017

Is Adderall Like Methamphetamine?

A new drug has been created to improve job performance. It is the most commonly prescribed drug for patients diagnosed with ADHD and is now used by college and university students in the United States to stimulate brain neurons to bring studying habit to another level.

  • Students nationwide have been getting this controlled substance to increase awareness and accomplish their assignments well into the night.
  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that 1 in 5 students admit using Adderall, also called the “study drug” even without being diagnosed with ADHD or ADD.
  • Despite the fact that this drug is widely known and gaining more and more acceptance among university students, the dangers that come with it may not be as widely known.

Adderall is an amphetamine and is characterized by its derivative, which is methamphetamine.

Although Adderall does not contain the methyl group found in meth, it still has the many dangers of the hard drug. Many students obtain Adderall pills using self-made prescriptions or using prescriptions they get from their friends.

Adderall can lead to harmful bodily reactions, even death.

For example, Adderall can cause your heart rate to increase and if you have an unknown heart condition, your heart can overwork and eventually shut down. Being an amphetamine by nature can also cause Adderall users to develop an addiction.

During the finals week, many social media sites like Twitter record more than 213,000 tweets of Adderall use.

Students have become pressured to finish assignments on a set time and many are also involved in extracurricular activities. As these students attempt to do so much in a day, they may be driven to take Adderall to increase their performance. Many students who do not medicate with Adderall tend to feel disadvantaged.

However, a number of medical professionals reveal that the opposite is true. Those who do not opt to use drugs are able to develop certain methods in life as opposed to those who are dependent on drugs, which can lead to more dangers like the addiction.

Meth is being used since the World War II among pilots who needed a stimulant to stay alerted for extended periods of time even without rest.

On the streets, crystal meth is recognized as one of the hardest drugs. The Narconon International recently released a video explaining the dangers brought about by crystal meth. Your body is able to develop an adaptation to the food that you consume but as you gradually turn away from food due to drugs, many negative reactions are expected to occur.

Drain cleaner, lantern fuel, antifreeze, battery acid, and red phosphorus are just some of chemical used to make meth.

Meth can be crafted in illicit laboratories as small as 20 ounces or more in organized laboratories. The ingredients used to make meth should not go inside the body as they can be found at your local grocery store. Both crystal meth and Adderall are dangerous and extremely addictive.

If you opt to use Adderall without getting prescribed for it, you can experience a lot of adverse effects that make it a risk not worth taking. Visit a drug rehab center in Delaware for more info,

The post Is Adderall Like Methamphetamine? appeared first on Find Detox And Rehab Facilities | Rehab Near Me.


How Do You Make Crystal Methamphetamine?

Methamphetamine makers do not always make use of anhydrous ammonia to make the drug, but it may be used to make what many meth users take as the purest form of the drug. Meth makers make use of anhydrous ammonia instead of red phosphorus in order to get meth from ephedrine through the chemical reaction of mixing it with lithium. The latter is often taken from battery innards. In many meth recipes, anhydrous meth is included as in the popular Nazi and shake and bake methods.

  • In order to fully understand how hazardous anhydrous ammonia could be, the National Ag Safety Database reveals that it is a hydroscopic compound in that it looks for water from a nearby source, which includes your body.
  • Your eyes, skin, and lungs are put at risk as they contain the most moisture in your body.
  • When anhydrous ammonia has dissolved into your body tissue, caustic burns may come as a result.
  • The majority of anhydrous ammonia-related deaths are due to severe damage to the lungs and throat or from getting a direct blast on one’s face.
  • When copious amounts of anhydrous ammonia are inhaled, your throat can swell shut and you could suffocate.
  • Being exposed to liquid or vapor may cause you to be blind.

Anhydrous ammonia has a low boiling point.

The chemical can freeze if it comes in contact with room temperature. With this, Anhydrous Ammonia may cause burns that can be more serious than the burns you get from dry ice. In normal air pressure and temperature, anhydrous ammonia appears as a colorless glass, but it can also be transported and used under pressure in a liquid state. All of the equipment that is used to transfer and apply the liquid form of anhydrous ammonia needs to be designed for high-pressure use in order to avoid breaks or ruptures.

Anhydrous ammonia is characterized by a certain odor, which you can sense in concentrations of at least 5 ppm (parts per million).

When anhydrous ammonia is placed in fertilizer, it can have a concentration of around 1 million ppm. A short exposure to anhydrous ammonia concentrations ranging from 2,500-6,500 ppm, therefore, may lead to death. When anhydrous ammonia is opted for fertilizing crops, it may be deadly when inhaled for a long time.

Moreover, a lot of injuries occur when thieves inhale or get blasted in their face when trying to steal from pressurized tanks that cause their throats to swell then close. Getting exposed to the liquid or vapors of anhydrous ammonia may lead to severe burns as well as blindness.

Thieves try to steal this chemical from the large tanks on farms or co-ops by way of a hose similar to that of car wash’s vacuum although smaller in diameter.

Anhydrous ammonia can be stored in pressurized vessels like fire extinguishers and propane tanks for some time. However, it can also be placed in small quantities in a thermos or cooler with the shake and bake method of making meth.

Its corrosive properties may lead to the fittings on the vessels to turn blue due to being corroded. Thus, you should never opt for a propane tank with fittings that have already turned blue as it could already be weakened and an explosion is likely to occur. It would be best to visit the nearest rehab centers to protect your health.

The post How Do You Make Crystal Methamphetamine? appeared first on Find Detox And Rehab Facilities | Rehab Near Me.


How Long Does Opiates Stay In Urine?

There are a lot of people who are suffering from severe pain every day. Many of these patients end up using opiates just to find relief from their pains and be able to bring back normalcy in life. Even though such medications are extremely effective for pain alleviation, opiates can still have several adverse effects in those who use it.

  • For you to have a precise understanding of the duration that such medications remain in your body, you need to look at the particular drug that you have chosen.
  • Once you are able to figure out the half-life of the drug you are taking, you could multiply that by 5.5 to have a rough estimate.
  • Generally, it takes anywhere between 24.75 and 25 hours for the drug Oxycontin to be eliminated from your body entirely.
  • Take caution as the majority of opiates tend to clear from the body in a minimum of 5-7 days.

How many days do opiates clear in urine?

You should know that the duration of opiates in your urine can vary with other individuals. In urine, drugs generally dissipate a lot faster. Medical experts reveal that majority of opiates take 2-3 days to disappear from urine. However, note that the dose of opiate consumed every day will further determine how quick opiates clear from your body.

Natural opioids come from natural opium poppy plant.

There are certain opioid drugs that are entirely man-made and made in labs, but a natural opiate is taken directly from the plant with its milk coming from the plant’s seed pods. Although they can be less harmful than synthesized products, natural opiates are still addictive and can lead to fatal respiratory depression.

Opium has long been used as a remedy for nervous system disorders, migraines, and cancers and as an anesthetic. One example of a natural opiate is morphine, which is usually prescribed for pain relief but it is also frequently used illicitly for purposes of achieving euphoria.

Man-made opiates act in the similar area of your brain targeted by opium and can also produce similar effects as with natural opiates.

Synthetic opiates can offer treatment therapies for addiction to opiates. These are created with chemicals that are not derived from the poppy plant or opium or morphine. The actual chemicals that are used in synthetic opiates vary with each chemist and each drug. An example of a popular semi-synthetic opiate is heroin, which also happens to be the most abused opiate in the world.

Heroin is actually derived from morphine; heroin, as well as OxyContin, often include opiates. They are considered semi-synthetic because of the presence of other natural opiates.

This kind of medication is developed to be a safer alternative for opiate users although it has mostly similar side effects as with other opioid drugs. Both natural opium alkaloids and synthetic ones are associated with the production of this type of medication.

Opioids can offer a sense of well-being and euphoria, which can cause addiction in some individuals.

The legitimate use of opioids is for the treatment of pain. Used for this purpose, many will develop drug tolerance so that they will need more of the drug to produce a similar effect. Some may develop addiction and opiates become their obsession. They can also engage in illicit activities like double doctoring.

A large amount of opioid consumption can result in death due to respiratory or cardiac arrest. A tolerance to the euphoria achieved with opioids can develop more quickly than a tolerance to its dangerous effects. Thus, many overdoses on opioids by mistake when they desire to get high.

An opioid overdose is still reversible in hospitals and addiction centers using intravenous naltrexone. Should you need help, contact emergency right away if you feel you’re in danger of overdosing.

The post How Long Does Opiates Stay In Urine? appeared first on Find Detox And Rehab Facilities | Rehab Near Me.


High-Functioning Alcoholic: The Issues Will Come Out Eventually

Most of the time, the world "alcohol" paints a picture of a person whose life is in complete disarray because of drinking too much. However, not all alcoholics may be categorized into such a stereotype. There is, in fact, another kind of alcoholic known as high-functioning alcoholics.

  • High-functioning alcoholics often appear to have everything going smooth sailing.
  • They may be drinking copious amounts of alcohol, but they simultaneously excel in their work and academics and also have good relationships with their family and friends.
  • Often, their success works against them by making them believe that their drinking is under control.
  • However, after a few months or years, the alcoholism can catch up with them.

It may be very challenging to deal with high-functioning alcoholics.

Often, they are in deep denial concerning their problems with alcohol. After all, they were able to manage an appearance of success despite their impending addiction. Also, many high-functioning alcoholics have loved ones who act like their accomplices by covering up for the consequences of their habits. These people unconsciously enable or encourage the behavior of their alcoholic friend by allowing him to continuously be destructive.

A high-functioning alcoholic is often educated and middle-aged, possibly married with a good family and has a successful career.

Contrary to the stigma of a lonely, desolate and destitute alcoholic, family members and friends may not be able to recognize that a drinking problem even exists. All day these high-functioning alcoholics stay productive by going to work, going to the gym, and then go home and slug two bottles of wine or other liquor in excess. Often, family members consider this as their normal behavior since the person is still keeping up with his obligations. High-functioning alcoholics may not be drinking every single day but they may engage in several episodes of heavy drinking or binging every few days. High-functioning alcoholics may not recognize their drinking problem. It is what leads to a double life separating personal and professional life with drinking life. Although it may seem that this person has his life in order and on the surface does not appear to suffer from alcohol use disorder, high-functioning alcoholics are likely to have developed a tolerance to alcohol. Hence, the need to take in more amount each time just to get drunk.

Other warning signs you should watch out for are:

  • The inability to stick to limits on their drinking successfully.
  • The need to drink alcohol to relax or relieve stress.
  • Frequently jokes about alcoholism or alcohol use.
  • Engaging in hazardous behaviors when drinking such as driving under the influence or going for risky sexual encounters.
  • Show periods of sobriety with restlessness, mood swings, agitation, and irritability.
  • Justifies the drinking as a form of reward.
  • Drinking in secret or by oneself.
  • Periodic blackouts and memory lapses
Also, the person may go through withdrawal symptoms and feel hungover when they remove drinking alcohol from their habits. Many highly functional alcoholics are able to train themselves to be able to function normally despite the negative effects of alcohol on their body. This will also be made possible with the help of addiction treatment center. Often, the signs of addiction are the loss of productivity in school or at work and the inability to fulfill work and family obligations consistently. However, a highly-functional alcoholic may not show similar signs. Over time, alcohol affects the brain negatively eventually making the person non-functional. As such, it may get more difficult to get tasks done through time. Detox of South Florida is committed to providing educational articles to help those who are struggling with addiction, to make the change to living an addiction free life. Check out the playlist below to see more info.   [button link="tel:863-623-4923" type="big" color="green" newwindow="yes"] Call Now![/button]

The following article High-Functioning Alcoholic: The Issues Will Come Out Eventually is courtesy of



Friday, 21 July 2017

Is Cocaine an Opiate | West Palm Beach

Definition of Cocaine

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that comes from the coca leaves. For centuries, South America people chewed and ingested the coca leaves to get the extra energy needed for farm works. The drug also helps them breathe in thin air in high altitude mountain areas. Currently, the US government labeled cocaine as a Schedule II drug, meaning that the drug contains addictive properties. However, doctors can still use cocaine in their medical procedure as a local anesthesia in surgeries for the eye, ear, and throat. The drug typically sold in the black markets as a fine, white and crystalline powder.

Some of the street names of cocaine include:

  •    coke
  •    C
  •    snow
  •    powder
  •    blow
Drug dealers often mix or (‘cut’) cocaine using readily available materials like talcum powder, cornstarch, flour, baking soda to increase their profits. Some users even mix cocaine with another drug like heroin and call it a ‘Speedball’.

History of Cocaine

The purified form of cocaine, cocaine hydrochloride was first extracted from the plant more than a century ago.  During the early 1900’s, purified cocaine was used as the main ingredient for various elixirs and tonics. These so-called ‘medicinal’ tonics believed to treat several diseases. Cocaine was even the main ingredient in the early recipe of the famous Coca-Cola drink. Before the discovery of local anesthetic, the medical community used cocaine to block pain in some surgical procedures.  However, several types of research emerge indicating that the potent stimulant can cause damage in the brain functions and its structures.

How Cocaine is consumed

Users usually snort, smoke and inject cocaine. It is a fast acting drug which can immediately felt within 2 seconds to minutes after the last dose. It usually lasts between five minutes to ninety minutes. This can result in mental effects such as:
  •    loss of contact with the real world
  •    the intense feeling of happiness
  •    agitation
  •    fast heart rate
  •    sweating
  •    dilates pupils

In higher doses, the drug can cause:

  •    high blood pressure
  •    high body temperature
  •    anxiety
  •    sleep disorders
  •    paranoia
  •    tremors and muscle twitches
  •    nausea and vomiting
  •    rapid and weak pulse
  •    chest pain
  •    heart attack
  •    kidney failure
  •    seizures
  •    convulsions
  •    brain hemorrhage
  •    stroke

What are opiates?

Opioids are a group of drugs derived from the Asian poppy plant. They affect the central nervous system and the spinal cord. Experts designed these drugs as chemically similar to interact with opioid receptors in the brain.

Some of the drugs that belong to this class are:

  •    heroin
  •    fentanyl
  •    oxycontin
  •    hydrocodone
  •    codeine
  •    methadone
  •    morphine
These type of drugs are used as pain management medications and generally safe if taken for a short period of time. Doctors often prescribe the drugs after a surgical procedure to help them deal with the pain. However, even when prescribed legally the drugs can still produce tolerance and euphoria. Some users manage their way misusing the drug, either taking it longer or in higher doses. Drug overdose and deaths are common in opiate abuse.

How opioids work

Opioids bind the opioid receptors in the brain that controls pain, digestion and other bodily functions. Once these drugs flooded the brain’s receptors they weakened the person’s perception of pain. However, they also affect the reward system of the brain, producing euphoria which the users seek. Some people fall pray into this euphoric feeling and eventually get addicted to opiates. It somehow leads in taking the prescription drug longer and in higher doses as the addiction develops. This put the users at a higher risk of serious health problems, drug overdose even death. The best way to avoid opiate addiction is to follow the strict prescription of doctors and take it only as needed.

Opiates statistics

Opioid addiction is on the rise, and opioid overdose deaths are a common scenario in emergency rooms nowadays. These drugs can repress the breathing process of the user, in an overdose scenario, the heart completely stops beating.
  •    Around 200,000 people die from prescription drugs like opiates annually.
  •    About 75% of those people are just teenagers.

Differences of Cocaine and Opiates

To sum it up and for the information of those who are in drug detox, cocaine does not belong to opiates as it acts as a stimulant. Opiates, on the other hand, bind receptors in the brain to dull pain, in some opiates it acts as a sedative. There are several more differences between the two drugs.

Here are some of them:

  •    Cocaine contains more addictive properties than any other drugs.
  •    This drug can kill users through cardiotoxicity, an extreme condition of the heart. Meanwhile, opiates repressed or decrease the breathing process of the user.
  •    Since cocaine directly affects the heart it can cause immediate death, but opiates like in heroin, some of the effects are reversible using naloxone.
  •    Cocaine came from the leaves of coca plant while opiates are derived from poppy plants.
  •    Opiates often regarded as ‘downer’ it slows the user’s movements. Users often feel more relaxes and subdued. These drugs are often used a medical management for moderate to severe pain.
  •    On the other hand, cocaine gives a stimulating effect referred to as ‘upper’. The drug can produce extreme happiness, elated and overly active.
  •    Thus cocaine is a stimulant while opiates are depressants.
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The article Is Cocaine an Opiate | West Palm Beach was originally published to



Thursday, 20 July 2017

How Much Is A Gram Of Cocaine?

Growing cocaine elsewhere can be a challenge, but it is possible. Also, cocaine needs a high level of industrialization to be produced. It has been estimated that around 297g of dry coca leaf can yield a gram of cocaine, which explains why its cost is more expensive than most other illicit drugs. By comparison, 297g of dried marijuana can yield the same amount of smokeable marijuana. As such, small-time barons opt to grow pot instead.

  • Cocaine is derived from 4 variations of the Erythroxylaceae shrub that hails from the South America.
  • Indigenous tribes were known to chew on the leaves of the plant for a long time pre-European settlement.
  • By 1855, the German chemist Friedrich Gaedcke isolated benzoylmethylecgonine, its active alkaloid.
  • The substance became widely known as an anesthetic in Europe.

Sigmund Freud was known to encourage the use of cocaine in 1884 as a therapeutic tonic.

Freud argued in his paper Uber Coca that cocaine has the ability to cure sexual impotence as well as depression. Due to its growing recognition from well-known individuals, the cocaine industry was formed and colonial powers began to scout for regions where they can farm coca. The plants, then, were brought over to Europe, Australia, India, and the rest of Southeast Asia. By 1920, the previously Dutch colony of Jana became the leading manufacturer of coca worldwide, exporting tons of coca leaves to companies in Netherlands. In the year 1925, this ended with the Geneva Convention that banned cocaine use for its addictive nature. However, as the people already knew that coca can grow outside of South America, they later reverted to Australia.

An Asst. Professor at the Texas Tech University in the Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dr. John C. D'Auria conducted several studies on these plants and later revealed the intricacy of its cultivation.

While other illicit plants like marijuana can grow anywhere, coca is not as easy to grow. Dr. D'Auria revealed that the woody plant Erythroxylum coca is unlike the Cannabis sativa that is herbaceous. This difference is due to how they are cultivated. Coca has the capacity to grow 1,650-4,950 ft. in the humid Amazon forest giving its unusual proclivity for low atmospheric pressure and high moisture available in only a number of places outside of Andes. Dr. D'Auria pointed out that growing tens of coca plants can be enough for occasional chewing or for making tea but may not be enough to get the purified form of cocaine from the coca leaves expecting high-yield from illicit sales. He further exclaimed the difficulty of extracting a useful amount of the substance from the leaf of coca revealing that the process takes chemistry knowledge on top of skill. Because of this, Australian drug barons opted to import coke rather than to manufacture it themselves. However, there's another way that has been overlooked. The Australian cocaine shrub Erythroxylum australe native to the North Territory of Queensland and in the Northern New South Wales, contains 0.8 percent of medetomidine, the alkaloid comparable to cocaine although it is illegal to grow the plant in New South Wales. Detox of South Florida is committed to providing educational articles to help those who are struggling with addiction, to make the change to living an addiction free life. Check out this playlist for more information on Florida Drug Rehab.   [button link="tel:863-623-4923" type="big" color="green" newwindow="yes"] Call Now![/button]

How Much Is A Gram Of Cocaine? is courtesy of Detox of South Florida's Blog



How Long Does It Take To Get Addicted To Opiates?

The beginnings of an opiate addiction are actually triggered by that initial rush of pleasure you get from the drug. On the other hand, the point wherein regular misuse or abuse of opiates transitions into compulsive drug use and cravings for the drug vary with each user and is dependent on a number of aspects.

Once you begin to use opiates, it may take several weeks to a few months before cravings start to appear. Along with the cravings are other drug-seeking behaviors that are most of the time associated with “bad” acts. There is yet to be a reliable source written on the exact timeline these manifestations show themselves.

The time it takes for you to develop an addiction can be altered based on several factors like:

  • What type of opiate are you taking and how strong is it?
  • How fast does your opiate make changes on the reward system of your brain that can imprint addiction?
  • How much of the drug are you taking?
  • How often are you using it?
  • How often do you ramp up your dosage?
  • Are you using multiple drugs?
  • Are you taking opiates simply for the treatment of pain?
  • Are you abusing it for the euphoric rush?

It does not take long for potent drugs like opiates to establish an addiction.

Whether you abuse an opiate or follow the prescription but for a prolonged time, your body needs to make adjustments for the presence of the drug as well as its effects. This is known as building drug tolerance. As your body is able to tolerate the amount of drug that you take in, you will have to take in more and more of the drug in order to attain the effects that you desire including the euphoric high and pain relief.

The moment you become tolerant, dependence will be creeping in afterward.


You can become an opiate dependent the moment you feel that you just cannot function normally when you are not taking opiates. There is no sure prediction or timeline to know how quickly this develops as it varies with each individual.

Those who start abusing copious amounts of opiates develop tolerance and dependence more quickly while for others, dependence and tolerance may take a slower onset even when you are using opiates the way it was prescribed.

The relapsing mental disease can overtake users in a number of ways.

Opiates are so powerful that caution must be taken when you use this type of drug. You must also watch out for the warning signs of a drug dependency and an addiction.

You may be addicted to opiates if you have reached a point that even willpower is not enough to stop or even just reduce your use of opiates. You may find that you are unable to control your need to take in high levels of opiates with increasing frequency. You may also be compelled to prioritize finding and using opiates more than anything in your life.

As such, other more important things like your work and your relationships no longer take center stage. The longer you use or abuse opiates, the more inevitable an addiction becomes.

Your genetic make-up can make you more susceptible.

You may be more at risk of drug abuse and addiction if another important person that makes up your genes was previously or is still addicted to opiates.

Your level of stress can make you an addict more quickly.

Stress can increase the level of cortisol in your system, increasing the activity of your limbic reward system and shortening the time it takes of the changes of addiction to take place in your brain.

Your psychological issues may cause an addiction.

Schizophrenia, depression, and other psychological issues may increase your likelihood of abuse and addiction as well.

Your environment plays a key role in the development of tolerance, dependence, and addiction.


You can be more susceptible to abuse opiates frequently if you are surrounded by an environment where it is easy to obtain and use drugs.

Even your metabolism can affect how quickly the drugs clear from your body. It is highly likely that you will increase the frequency of use just to stave off the symptoms of withdrawal.

Are you or a loved one is struggling with addiction to opiates? Don’t wait. Get help now before it’s too late.



The post How Long Does It Take To Get Addicted To Opiates? appeared first on Find Detox And Rehab Facilities | Rehab Near Me.


Wednesday, 19 July 2017

What Drugs Are Considered Opiates?

There is a massive epidemic brought about by opiates in the United States and it is taking thousands of lives in the country year in and year out. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, you may be concerned about opiates.

  • Opiates are among the highly dangerous drugs that depress the central nervous system.
  • It is available in various forms.

Princeton University reveals that opiates include a wide range of drugs derived from specific alkaloid substances from the opium poppy.

While the plant is known to contain more than 50 alkaloid substances, not every one of them has analgesic properties. Only around half qualify as materials to make raw opiates.

Technically, only the drugs that are made using opium alkaloids with analgesic properties can be called opiate drugs. Semisynthetic drugs that are derived from such alkaloids are technically considered opiates too.

Opiates type of drugs is known to be the purest renditions of materials to make raw opium.

The University of Michigan, on the other hand, notes that there are only 3 types of opiate drugs that are qualified as “natural.” These are codeine, opium tinctures, and morphine.

Of the three, morphine contains the highest concentrations of raw opium materials. The Weber State University even estimated that morphine makes up around 10% of opium. Codeine, on the other hand, is available in .05 % concentration levels consistently. It is the lower concentration of codeine that makes it a lesser potent drug compared to morphine. Taking the form of alcohol solutions, opium tinctures contain weaker analgesic alkaloids like Laudanum and Paregoric.

Semisynthetic opiates combine natural opium alkaloids and synthesized opiate materials.

Examples of this class of drugs are heroin, oxycodone (e.g. Percodan, OxyContin), hydromorphone and hydrocodone (e.g. Vicodin). Each exists in significantly small concentrations of raw opium materials. Derived from morphine, heroin has a higher potency because of how it was synthesized. Additionally, hydromorphone, oxycodone, and hydrocodone have greater potencies than the alkaloids they were derived from.

The only form of opiates that is strictly illicit in form is heroin.

It means that you will not be able to get a prescription for heroin. A couple of years back heroin was useful to people weaning off morphine. However, a while later, professionals realized that heroin is more addictive, dangerous and potent than morphine.

Doctors prescribe other opiates to treat injuries and chronic pain.

Most of the time, patients get one week or one month’s worth of the medicine such as morphine, oxycodone or Vicodin for pain management. Whenever chronic pain appears, such opiates are used in pain management programs meaning you can refill your prescription for pain medications once a month. However, the longer you use these medications, the more likely you may develop an addiction.

If you know which drugs are opiates, you will gain insight into your risks of addiction. However, spotting an addiction may be difficult as it is a very cunning disease. Many develop addiction without knowing it. You may begin by abusing medications and using more than the recommended dose. It is often difficult to spot addiction in users of medical prescriptions as it is legal.

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The post What Drugs Are Considered Opiates? appeared first on Find Detox And Rehab Facilities | Rehab Near Me.


Side Effects of Methadone

If used properly following under strict supervision methadone is an effective medication for severe pain. As a long-lasting drug, experts use it for Methadone Maintenance Treatment or MMT. For users who have been addicted to opiates such as heroin, MMT can ease the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms. The medication also helps the user’s chance of recovery in preventing relapses, a common occurrence during rehab. Even during this MMT, health care providers need to meticulously monitor administering the drug to prevent overdose and further withdrawal symptoms. Methadone contains a long-lasting drug life which stays in the system for as long as 56 hours. If another dose is taken too soon, it can lead to a fatal drug overdose.

Quick facts about Methadone

  •    Between the year 2001 to 2007, methadone abuse drastically increased seven-fold when doctors begun prescribing it as a pain reliever.
  •    In a report about drug overdose in Florida that spans over five years, methadone ranks as the second cause of death. Cocaine still tops the list for drug overdoses fatalities.
  •    In the US, methadone overdose fatalities increased about 400% from the year 2001 until 2004.
  •    The most common effects of methadone are addiction, drug overdose and death.
  •    Users typically combine methadone with other drugs and alcohol which lead to drug overdose.
  •    Any substance that contains the following can increase the dangerous effects of methadone, these are:
o    antidepressants o    alcohol o    anti-anxiety medications o    antihistamines Prolonged use of methadone can result in tolerance to the drug. Once tolerance develops, addiction sets making the situation even more dangerous for users. In controlled condition, methadone is relatively safe but in other instances, it can provide a long list of health hazards as long as users abusing the drug.

Methadone Side Effects

  •    Weight gain
  •    Nausea
  •    Intolerance to heat
  •    Low blood pressure
  •    Vomiting
  •    Irregular heartbeat
  •    Insomnia
  •    Loss of sexual interest
  •    Loss of appetite
  •    Difficulty urinating
  •    Swelling of hands and arms, feet and legs

A separate study conducted in New Zealand added health hazards which include:

  •    Abscesses
  •    Sleep disturbances
  •    Dental problems
  •    Sweating
  •    Headache
  •    Fatigue
  •    Depression
  •    Hay fever

Several symptoms of methadone users

  •    People who abuse methadone suffers from poorer health condition than the other group of population.
  •    42% of methadone users also suffer psychological problems like depression.
  •    Users tend to have the poor diets, skipping meals for days and have cravings for sweet foods.
  •    Methadone users also have difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep because of nightmares.

Effects of Methadone in Pregnancy

When a woman takes methadone during her pregnancy, her newborn suffers. The baby may suffer withdrawal symptoms that of adults after birth. However, the mother may not suffer from the withdrawal symptoms.

Some of the withdrawal symptoms include:

  •    weight gain or weight loss
  •    irritability
  •    over activeness
  •    seizures
If a mother who used methadone during pregnancy and breastfed her baby, the drug can make its way into her milk feeding it to her baby. Babies may show these symptoms:
  •    vomiting
  •    nausea
  •    itchiness
  •    poor appetite
  •    trouble sleeping
The increasing number of drug abuse factors in for overdose cases in the country. Watch out for these methadone overdose symptoms:
  •    Constipation
  •    Nausea
  •    Stomach or intestinal spasm
  •    Small pinpoint pupils
  •    Nausea
  •    Dizziness
  •    Fatigue
  •    Drowsiness
  •    Blue lips and fingernails
  •    Vomiting
  •    Muscle twitches
  •    Limp muscles
  •    Weakness
  •    Cold, clammy skin
  •    Difficulty breathing
  •    Stopped breathing
  •    Shallow breathing
  •    Slow breathing
  •    Disorientation
  •    Coma
  •    Sudden death
In a suspected drug overdose, bringing the user to an emergency room is the safest thing to do. Ignoring to do so could lead to more fatal results and possibly death of the user.  Upon arriving at the emergency room, doctors may administer several things such as:
  •    Activated charcoal medication
  •    Fluids via intravenous
  •    Breathing tube
  •    An antidote to reverse the effects of the drug
  •    A tube inserted through the mouth into the stomach to wash it out (gastric lavage)
  •    Induced vomiting
Doctors may also treat other methadone overdose symptoms as they arise. For severe cases, they administer appropriate medication for heart or kidney problems. Detox of South Florida is the best rehab clinic that is committed to providing educational articles to help those who are struggling with addiction, to make the change to living an addiction free life. Checkout this playlist to learn more about drug addiction. [button link="tel:863-623-4923" type="big" color="green" newwindow="yes"] Call Now![/button]

Side Effects of Methadone See more on:



Tuesday, 18 July 2017

What is Fentanyl Patch?


Fentanyl belongs to a group of drug called opioids, sometimes referred to as a narcotic. These drugs are derived from the Asian Poppy Plant. Doctors use fentanyl as a part of anesthesia to prevent pain after surgery or other medical procedures. The Food and Drug Administration considered the drug as a Schedule II prescription drug. Fentanyl helps people who suffer from severe pain who otherwise cannot be treated with other drugs. Some people develop tolerance to other opioids, fentanyl serves as their last chance of treatment for pain.

Branded names of Fentanyl include:

  • Nasalfent
  • Subsys
  • Actavis
  • Sublimaze
  • Durogesic
  • Duragesic
  • Fentanyl citrate
  • PriCara
  • Lazanda

However, fentanyl goes a lot of names in the street such as:

  • Apache
  • China girl
  • Drop dead
  • Goodfella
  • Jackpot
  • Murder 8
  • TNT
  • Percopop
  • China white
  • Serial killer
  • Shine
Different kinds of pain need various types of treatment. In relation to this, fentanyl comes in several forms like:
  • oral tablets
  • nasal sprays
  • injections
  • lozenges
  • lollipops
  • patches

Fentanyl Patches

Fentanyl Patches is a form of fentanyl medication used to treat moderate to severe pain.  As a narcotic pain medicine, using the patches may become habit-forming leading to addiction. Doctors commonly prescribe fentanyl transdermal patches for cancer patients suffering from severe chronic pain due to the disease. In such occasions, patients need continuous drug treatment for their pain. The patches adhere to the skin and releases fentanyl constantly for a long period of time. Once applied, fentanyl patches can release chemicals lasting about 48 to 73 hours. Even when removed, fentanyl still has an effect around 13 to 24 hours. Typically, doctors and addiction treatment centers prescribe low dose of fentanyl and gradually increase dosage as needed. The recommended dose is not more than once every three days or not more than once every six days. Slowly increasing dosage or tapering off, ensure the safety of patients. An individual who suffers moderate pain will not be prescribed more than what they need to avoid drug dependence. Slowly tapering off from fentanyl patches will avoid any withdrawal symptoms that users may experience. In opiate drugs, abruptly stopping from medication can result to intense withdrawal period. Doctors need to carefully watch for any dependence, tolerance, and misuse of the drug to prevent addiction.

How fentanyl patches are abuse

Users sometimes choose to obtain patches because of its availability.  The patches can still produce ample amounts of fentanyl. Users remove the gel substance, abusing it by:
  • eating the gel
  • sticking it under the tongue
  • smoking it
  • snorting the drug
  • preparing it for injection
If use against its intended prescription, it can lead to tolerance resulting to addiction and overdose.

Side effects of Fentanyl Patches

Just like other opiates, fentanyl patch can cause severe and serious breathing problems. The risk increases when patients first started using the drug or in higher doses. It is important to always follow medical prescription when using fentanyl patch. Do not use the drug if:
  • when users already develop tolerance to other narcotic pain reliever
  • right after surgery
  • if the pain is mild, or use as-needed pain relief
  • For long-term use.
Taking other medication can greatly increase fentanyl’s potency as well as its adverse effects. Medications that may escalate the risk of fentanyl include:
  • amiodarone
  • amprenavir
  • aprepitant
  • carbamazepine
  • clarithromycin
  • diltiazem
  • erythromycin
  • fluconazole
  • fosamprenavir
  • itraconazole
  • ketoconazole
  • nefazodone
  • nelfinavir
  • phenytoin
  • rifampin
  • ritonavir
  • troleandomycin
  • verapamil

Fentanyl Side Effects

Fentanyl can cause respiratory problems like decreased breathing or slow heart rate. Transdermal patches can produce several skin reactions particularly in the site of application. Redness and swelling may occur which can last for 6 hours after the removing the patch.

Other side effects of fentanyl include:

  • dry mouth
  • abdominal cramps
  • loss of appetite
  • drowsiness
  • confusion
  • headache
  • hallucinations
  • nervousness
  • anxiety
  • depression

Other severe effects include:

  • respiratory depression
  • fainting
  • severe low blood pressure
  • seizures
  • slow heart rate
  • paralytic ileus
  • cardiac arrest
  • difficulty in breathing
  • death due to drug overdose

Other risks involved when using fentanyl patches:

  • Improper disposal of the patches can lead to accidental ingestion or exposure to fentanyl.  It can result serious adverse reactions especially in children.
  • Exposing fentanyl patches to heat can cause immediate and concentrated release of the drug into the skin. This can cause serious fatal effects including overdose.
  • Using fentanyl patches during pregnancy can cause drug dependence of the fetus to the drug. Newborn babies can immediately suffer life-threatening fentanyl withdrawal symptoms once born.

Things to avoid when using fentanyl patches

Heat may trigger rapid release of fentanyl into the skin causing serious adverse effects. It is important to avoid activities and exposure to:
  • electric blankets
  • heat lamps
  • saunas
  • hot tubs
  • heated waterbeds
  • heating pads
  • sunbathing
  • long hot showers
  • other activities that may increase body temperature
Get help at Detox of South Florida. We care about your sobriety and living the life you have wanted. Check out this playlist from Detox of South Florida. [button link="tel:863-623-4923" type="big" color="red" newwindow="yes"] Call Now![/button]

What is Fentanyl Patch? See more on:



Monday, 17 July 2017

What does Fentanyl do? | Okeechobee

What does Fentanyl do to the body?

Fentanyl greatly affects opioid receptors in the brain. It also alters the spinal cord functions to lessen the sensation of pain. The opioids receptors found in these brain areas also controls breathing rate.  In higher doses, the drug can completely shut down the respiratory system which could lead to lead.  Fentanyl also controls and dictates how an individual will responds to pain.

Some of the most common side effects of Fentanyl include:

  •    It also overstimulates opiate receptors in the brain
  •    Affects how the brain process pain
  •    Alters pain perceptions and emotions
  •    Depresses respiratory system
  •    Produces erratic or rapid heart beat
  •    euphoric feelings
Similarly, the drug increases the dopamine levels, producing extreme euphoric feelings the ‘high’. Users commonly seek this sensation when using the fentanyl. As the drug produces intense ‘high’, Fentanyl also affects major bodily functions.

Fentanyl Addiction

Prolonged use of Fentanyl often leads to psychological and physical dependence. In such conditions, addiction may develop even if an individual follows a medical prescription. Fentanyl can effectively cure various health problems, but it also has a high potential for abuse. Drug dealers who sell fentanyl on the street mix the drug with cocaine or heroin. The mixture amplifies fentanyl’s potency, providing a great risk of overdose.

When taken in excess and long-term use, fentanyl can:

  •    drug overdose
  •    depressed the respiratory system
  •    stop breathing
  •    brain damage
  •    death
Users usually seek the euphoric sensations that fentanyl produces. Addiction can happen anytime even when users are following a direct medical order from their physicians. Unfortunately, various illegal channels sell fentanyl to users who consume the drug recreationally.

Those addicted to fentanyl displays several signs like:

  •    stealing prescriptions
  •    going from a doctor to another to get prescriptions
  •    buying fentanyl from illegal channels like street dealers and illegitimate online pharmacies

Other severe symptoms include:

  •    showing withdrawal symptoms if they do not take the next drug dose
  •    poor decision making sometimes resulting in risky behaviors
  •    several health problems
  •    accidental drug overdose
  •    coma
  •    death
Natural and synthetic opiate is usually measured against morphine when analyzing the drug’s strength. Measured against morphine, fentanyl is about 50 to 100 times more powerful. The Food and Drug Administration warn the medical community about administering fentanyl and its dosage. The drug needs a precise and careful formulation to avoid addiction and overdoses.

How fentanyl is abused

Fentanyl comes in several forms and users take the drug using various ways. Usually, doctors administer the drug via injection in a hospital setting. However, users found more way to abuse the drug like:
  •    users often put fentanyl gels found in  transdermal patches under the tongue
  •    they stuck fentanyl capsules between their teeth and cheek for continuous drug release
  •    most of the times users will squeeze the liquid or gel from the patches to either smoke or ingest the drug extract
Fentanyl is also available as a lollipop sold under the brand name of Actiq. For cancer patients, a sublingual spray can offer as a pain reliever. The drug is marketed under the brand names of:
  •    Abstral
  •    Duragesic
  •    Fentora
  •    Lazanda
  •    Onsolis
  •    Subsys

Doctors usually prescribe fentanyl in forms of:

  •    injection
  •    lozenges
  •    tablets
  •    transdermal patch
  •    lollipops
Other forms of fentanyl produced in illegitimate laboratories can result in a drug overdose. Because they often mix fentanyl with other illicit substances with no regards of the dosage. They sold fentanyl in various forms such as:
  •    powder
  •    mix with heroin or cocaine
  •    combined with other less powerful opioids
  •    smeared on blotted paper

Fentanyl users often take the drug by:

  •    snorting
  •    injecting
  •    ingesting
  •    or putting blotted paper in their mouths (this will allow the mucous membrane to absorb the drug)

Side effects of fentanyl

As an opiate drug, side effects of fentanyl are similar to other opiates like drowsiness and euphoria. But the exceptional strength of the drug makes it unusual for building tolerance for opiates.  Some users who used fentanyl for their severe pain may not be able to get pain relief from other opiates. For the reason, that fentanyl has a fast tolerance building effect. Fentanyl users may experience two kinds of side effects from the drug, one for the drug and other from withdrawal symptoms.  Because Fentanyl is a powerful drug, its effects can also be very intense. But with the help of the best rehab clinic in your area these effects can be minimized.

Side effects of Fentanyl include:

  •    Nausea
  •    Vomiting
  •    Dizziness
  •    Drowsiness
  •    Lethargy
  •    Tiredness
  •    Body weakness
  •    Shortness of breath
  •    Difficulty breathing
  •    Swelling of  extremities (hands, feet, and ankles)
  •    Headaches

Effects of Fentanyl withdrawal:

  •    Extreme restlessness
  •    Stomach cramps
  •    Insomnia
  •    Nausea
  •    Vomiting
  •    Yawning
  •    Sweating
  •    Watery eyes and runny nose
  •    Chills
  •    Muscle and bone pain
  •    Anxiety
  •    Irritability
  •    Weakness
  •    High blood pressure
Fentanyl side effects could cause severe discomfort and pain to users.  To avoid going through such experience users need to continuously take the drug, builds up tolerance resulting to drug overdose. Somehow, these users are stuck in cycle, unable to break free.  They make irrational decision which could lead to dangerous situations, not just for them but for their loved ones as well. Seeking medical help to quit fentanyl addiction is imperative. The sooner it get treated, the better for the users to regain their lives back. Check out the nearest detox and rehab center in your area. [button link="tel:863-623-4923" type="big" color="green" newwindow="yes"] Call Now![/button]

What does Fentanyl do? | Okeechobee was first seen on Detox of South Florida



Friday, 14 July 2017

How Long is the Withdrawal from Fentanyl

Fentanyl is a very powerful opiate use as a medical treatment for pain. The drug contains addictive properties similar to illegal drugs like heroin. However, fentanyl is 100 more times potent than heroin and cocaine. This makes the side effects of the drug more intense and deadly. There are several forms of fentanyl sold in the market, these are:

  •    injectable form (Sublimaze)
  •    transdermal patches (Duragesic)
  •    lollipops (Aqtic)
In recent years, fentanyl abuse increased drastically according to The Drug Enforcement Administration or DEA. Experts noticed the increased in several instances like:
  •    emergency department visits
  •    drug seizure cases
  •    drug overdose related incidents

Fentanyl Abuse

Users who use fentanyl for a long time are at risk of developing tolerance and dependence. They may experience withdrawal symptoms whenever they attempt to stop using fentanyl. Unfortunately, because of the high potency and severe intensity of fentanyl, withdrawal symptoms can be more severe compare to other opiates. Undergoing ‘cold turkey’ remains as the top reason why users do not want to stop using fentanyl.  Because of the difficulty quitting the drug, users are stuck  crash and use cycle. However difficult it may seem, quitting the addiction is still possible. Some the things that may help users quit fentanyl addiction include:
  •    understanding withdrawal symptoms
  •    the process involved during withdrawal
  •    aftercare to avoid any possibility of relapses

Tapering off Fentanyl

Tapering means gradually decreasing the dosage of fentanyl until the body re-learns to function without the drug. In doing so, it can reduce the discomfort of the withdrawal symptoms. Slowly removing fentanyl from the body is also referred as weaning off from the drug. Tapering off from fentanyl needs careful monitoring and precise medications from medical practitioners. This will ensure:
  •    the drug leaves the body gradually to avoid painful withdrawal symptoms
  •    Withdrawal symptoms may manage to avoid any possibilities of relapses
This method varies from an individual to anther and doctors may utilize different approaches. Several factors play an important role when tapering off from fentanyl, these include:
  •    The dependence level of users (the heavy the user is, the slower tapering needs)
  •    Severity of the addiction
  •    Co-existent disorders like mental disorder or other medical problems
  •    the duration of fentanyl abuse
  •    Other occurring substance abuse (other substances can hinder and interact with fentanyl)


Detoxification means removing all traces of fentanyl from the body safely. A detox program will eliminate all toxic substances from the body. A detox program can either be done in an inpatient or outpatient depending on the user’s condition. However, for fentanyl users, detox is usually done in a health care facility to ensure the safety of the user. Medical practitioners need to monitor several things like:
  •    physical aspects of addiction and the mental health of the users
  •    vital signs
  •    medications needed to ensure gradual fentanyl excretion
  •    manage the physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms
The process usually lasts around 5 to 7 days and can extend for more than 10 days depending on the severity of the addiction. Some people need more time compare to other users. A meticulous evaluation can help determine the most appropriate detox time process for each individual.

Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms

When users choose to stop using fentanyl the body goes into withdrawal process. Opioid withdrawal symptoms usually start within 12 to 30 hour from the last drug intake. Fentanyl transdermal patches take longer to leave the body. It can last up to 72 hours after removing the patch. The drug has a half-life of 17 hours and withdrawal can start at least a day after removal.

Withdrawal symptoms of fentanyl include:

  •    Restlessness
  •    Tearing up
  •    Runny nose
  •    Chills
  •    Backache
  •    Stomach cramps
  •    Pain in joints
  •    Muscles Pains
  •    Goosebumps
  •    Muscle weakness
  •    Nausea
  •    Vomiting
  •    Anorexia
  •    Diarrhea
  •    Elevated heart rate
  •    Hypertension
  •    Increased respiratory rate
  •    Insomnia
  •    Anxiety
  •    Pupil dilation
  •    Yawning
  •    Sweating

Fentanyl withdrawal timeline

Because of the short-acting half-life of fentanyl, it takes about three days to leave the body. Withdrawal symptoms usually last for 14 days to a month but some psychological symptoms may linger for a while. Depression and problems feeling any pleasure along with cravings may last several months to a year. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms peak in the first few days and fade within a week or so.  The withdrawal timeline of the drug is as follows:

1 to 3 days

Within several hours of stopping fentanyl intake, withdrawal symptoms will start. Some of the initial withdrawal symptoms include:
  •    muscle and joint pain
  •    headaches
  •    stomach cramps
  •    shaking
  •    restlessness
  •    sleepiness

3 to 7 days

The symptoms may continue to peak but include some more withdrawal symptoms like:
  •    nausea
  •    vomiting
  •    diarrhea
  •    runny nose

8 to 21 days

Withdrawal symptoms will begin to fade but psychological problems may start to surface like depression and anxiety.

Beyond 21 days

Other symptoms that may arise and need to properly address to ensure full recovery of the user. Proper aftercare can also avoid cravings and relapses. Detox of South Florida, as best addiction center is committed to providing educational articles to help those who are struggling with addiction, to make the change to living an addiction free life. Checkout this playlist to learn more about detox and rehab. [button link="tel:863-623-4923" type="big" color="green" newwindow="yes"] Call Now![/button]

How Long is the Withdrawal from Fentanyl Read more on:



Thursday, 13 July 2017

Is Cocaine a Narcotic | West Palm Beach

Definition of Cocaine

Cocaine is a potent stimulant drug that comes from the coca plant leaves. South American people used the drug chewed the leaves of the coca plant to help them perform at work. The Andes Mountain is well-known for its altitude; workers consume the drug to help them breathe in thin air. In the country, the government labeled cocaine as a Schedule II drug. This type of drugs contains addictive properties and poses health hazards. Even though cocaine generates addiction, the medical community still uses cocaine as a local anesthesia for the eye, ear, and throat surgeries. The drug commonly sold illegally as a fine, white and crystalline powder. Because of its appearance, dealers often mix cocaine with non-psychoactive substances like flour, cornstarch, and baking soda to yield more of the drug, increasing their profits.

Street names of cocaine include:

  •    C
  •    coke
  •    snow
  •    powder
  •    blow
If the health hazards are not enough, some users mix the drug with other drugs like heroin or coined as a ‘speedball’.

History of Cocaine

Cocaine hydrochloride is the purest form and was first discovered more than 100 years ago. It acts as the main ingredient for several elixirs and tonics. Even the famous Coca-Cola got its name from cocaine, as it used it as their main ingredient for the drink.  People in the early times believed that these tonics can cure various illnesses. Over the past few years, studies show that cocaine can generate addiction easily and can damage brain structures and its functions. Today, users snort, smoke and inject cocaine to get the intense high it produces.

How Cocaine is consumed

As a fast acting drug, cocaine can take effect within 2 seconds up to several minutes after taking it. The effect usually last from 5 minutes to 90 minutes.     

Short-term effects of cocaine include:

  •    loss of contact with the real world
  •    intense feeling of happiness
  •    agitation
  •    fast heart rate
  •    sweating
  •    dilates pupils

Long-term effects of the drug are as follows:

  •    high blood pressure
  •    high body temperature
  •    anxiety
  •    sleep disorders
  •    paranoia
  •    tremors and muscle twitches
  •    nausea and vomiting
  •    rapid and weak pulse
  •    chest pain
  •    heart attack
  •    kidney failure
  •    seizures
  •    convulsions
  •    brain hemorrhage
  •    stroke

What is narcotics?

Narcotics comes from the Greek word, “to make numb”, initially referring to the psychoactive compound that induces sleep. In the United States, narcotics are often associated with opiates and opioids. Some of the drugs under this group include morphine, heroin, and codeine. Today, the term narcotics are sometimes associated with negative implications. However, in the medical community, narcotics are more defined and do not carry the same negative implications.  In the US legal context, narcotics would simply mean prohibited drugs. It can also suggest drugs that are under strict government regulation like cannabis and cocaine. Also, narcotics is not a technical term and do not have a strict definition. The term varied throughout history. In medical term, it means any sort of drugs that induces sleep or produces ‘tranquilizing effect’.

The side effects of Narcotics:

Narcotics can reduce pain in the body and produces several more side effects such as:

  •    euphoric feeling
  •    an altered or heightened sense of well-being
  •    sleepiness
  •    lethargic
  •    loss of appetite
  •    stomach upsets
  •    nausea
  •    vomiting
  •    speech problems
  •    seizures
  •    decreased heart rate

Narcotics and its legality

The legislative classification of narcotics carries heavy penalties for violating the regulations.  Under the law, narcotics are:
  •    Drugs considered as depressants or dull the senses.
  •    Used as a generic term for drugs that cannot be legally sold, possessed or transported aside for medical purposes.  A person who needs to use the drug needs to get a valid medical prescription from doctors.

Is Cocaine a Narcotic?

The US Food and Drug Administration classified cocaine as a Schedule II drug in 1922. Because it contains properties like:
  •    High potential for abuse
  •    Accepted for specific medical treatment in the country or medical drugs with severe regulations to follow. In short, cocaine has a high potential for abuse with few medical purposes.
  •    Prolonged abuse can lead to chronic psychological or physical dependence.
Drugs classified under Schedule II usually generate addiction and are dangerous. Breaking the regulation under this class of drugs is punishable under the law and would mean longer prison times. In most states and under the law, classification of cocaine enforces severe penalties compare to other non-narcotic drugs.

Cocaine and Narcotics

Narcotics have more broad terms that it includes cocaine under its specifications. Even though cocaine does not belong to these drugs, the government classified cocaine as narcotic because of its detrimental side effects. These drugs act as a downer in the central nervous system or referred to as a ‘downer’. Meanwhile, cocaine is a stimulant and does not fall under this drug classification. Similarly, ‘downers’ particularly opiate affect the brain differently compares to cocaine, as ‘uppers’. So in summary cocaine is not a narcotic but is labeled as such to impose heavy fines and penalties to those who will break the law. Seek help from the nearest detox and rehab center in your area. Also, checkout this playlist for more info on Florida drug rehab   [button link="tel:863-623-4923" type="big" color="green" newwindow="yes"] Call Now![/button]

Is Cocaine a Narcotic | West Palm Beach is courtesy of Detox of South Florida's Blog

